Almost nine years later and I feel so heavy hearted. The joy is still
inside of me, and nothing and no one can ever take it away. But yes, truthfully speaking, my spirit is
weary. The air is so thick right now with hatred and despair and anger and
We’re in the middle of June with low humidity, lots of sunshine and birds
singing as loud as ever. Butterflies have arrived, and various flowers are demanding my attention as the incredible aroma dominates my nostrils.
Yet another senseless killing by law-enforcement… Because he
was asleep in his car. Fear, anger and pride has strangled us as humans… people are dying… and it appears normal "in my earthly eyes." In my flesh, half seen just fine, no real emotions and appear not to affected, and then, it seems half are crying out… simply wanting #something to be done! Wanting #someone to hear...
O God we desperately need a #mediator… Oh, wait a minute… we have ONE…
Amplified version of 1 Timothy 2:5-6
"For there is [only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and mankind, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom [a substitutionary sacrifice to atone] for all, the testimony given at the right and proper time."
"For there is [only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and mankind, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom [a substitutionary sacrifice to atone] for all, the testimony given at the right and proper time."
When I #forget… Thank You Father God for reminding me. Please O God, I pray right now, in the precious name of Jesus with every fiber of my
being, being oh so weak in this flesh... please forgive me when I shrink You and exalt my
circumstances… Please forgive me when I make the issues of the day bigger than my God. Amen!
Excerpt from my journal yesterday: As His little girl, yet approaching fifty-six, my soul's aching question is: "I know it's SIN, but why? I am longing for a better explanation, another reason, a deeper and more in depth answer to, why won't we let Jesus love us AND with that love, obey Him? Why wasn't the CROSS enough? Why are so many (believers) still in bondage when God gives us a #newheart? Why Daddy? Why?"
I love that when I come to You Father with all my hard questions and with my heavy heart, YOU NEVER EVER DELAY nor do YOU DISAPPOINT!
Love eternally,
Your beloved daughter