Monday, March 23, 2020

Two Words:

Thank you for all the doctor's, nurses and medical personnel.
Thank you for the maintenance workers cleaning hospitals behind the scenes.
Thank you for the law enforcement officers.
Thank you for the fire fighters and paramedics.
Thank you for the National Guard.
Thank you for sound leadership.
Thank you for drive thru testing.
Thank you for those who are in compliance.
Thank you for those who are feeding our shut in seniors.
Thank you for those who are giving of their time.
Thank you for the open grocery stores.
Thank you for the employees, cashiers and shelf stockers.
Thank you for the truck drivers delivering globally.
Thank you for the news media who report accurately.
Thank you for those who are not afraid to hug.
Thank you for the on-line sermons for so many.
Thank you for opening the hotel in NYC for the homeless.
Thank you for the teachers keeping in touch with their students.
Thank you for putting a halt on evictions and foreclosures.
Thank you for grace on student loans.
Thank you for extension on tax preparations.
Thank you for the postal workers.
Thank you for the trash collectors.
Thank you for every random act of kindness.
Thank you that it is Spring.
Thank you for those pink flowers.
Thank you for the yellow flowers.
Thank you for my prayer walks.
Thank you for the bird's song.
Thank you for the sun on my skin.
Thank you for the bible app.
Thank you for gospel and praise music.
Thank you for my continued penny journey.
Thank you for the freedom to share to gospel.
Thank you that your eye is on my daughter.
Thank you for all those praise reports.
Thank you for the gift of prayer.
Thank you for answered prayer.
Thank you for the Biblical truths.
Thank you for godly wisdom.
Thank you for fellowship.
Thank you for forgiveness.
Thank you for simple things...
Thank you for basic needs...
Thank you for sweet treats...
Thank you for self-discipline...
Thank you for the Kleenex...
Thank you for tears...
Thank you for your peace...
Thank you for your promises...
Thank you for keeping my mind fixed on you...
Thank you that this world is not my home...
Thank you for grace and mercy...
Thank you for communing with me...
Thank you for the breath that I am breathing right now...
Thank you for the use of technology...
Thank you for the Hope of Jesus Christ...
Thank you for knowing my heart without me speaking...
Thank you for pursuing the lost...
Thank you for the waves just outside my window right now...
Thank you for my five senses...
Thank you for using me to advance your kingdom...
Thank you for your protection over us all...
Thank you for being my Shepherd...
Thank you for the gift of free will...
Thank you for Holy Spirit conviction...
Thank you for waiting for me...
Thank you for loving me...
Thank you for … pause ... i'm getting ready to cry...

I love you and I just wanted to say, "thank you!"