I owe it all to You...at the Cross...I have victory of this virus. You took on ALL of my iniquities and transgressions. You suffered in silence for Denise Michell Fuller. Without the Cross there is NO resurrection and NO victory! The great exchange was transforming me from being God's enemy to being His friend. From sinner to saint. From abandoned to adopted. From forsaken to forgiven. From lonely to loved. From death to life. ALL because You had compassion on mankind.
Father God I thank You for this incredible gift. I pray today in the precious and matchless name of Jesus Christ that every veiled eye, every hard heart, every decieved mine, every clogged ear and every living soul who is doing this life apart from an intimate and personal relationship with Your Son, is overtaken by Your Holy Spirit and that today, it would be the day of salvation for them.
Your Word says in Genesis, in the beginning was GOD, NOT Science. Your Word says in John chapter 1 that Jesus was the Word, is the Word and was always with YOU!
Your Word says in Ephesians that it is by Grace that we are saved, through faith in Your Son and not by works, that anyone should boast. Your Word says in John chapter 14, that Jesus is the ONLY way, the truth and the life and that NO ONE can come to the Father except through Him.
Your Word says in Luke that many will believe that they are inheriting the kingdom and entering into the gates because of what they did and YOU will sadly say, "Depart from ME, I never knew you."
Your Word says that without faith it is impossible to please God and that we must first believe in Him and that He is a rewarder to those who earnestly seek Him. Your Word says that "whosoever" calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, that Jesus is Lord, than you shall be saved.
Your Word says that Your SON will return for His Bride, the Church of Christ. You go on to say that absent from the body is present with the Lord. And that perfect love cast out all fear.
YOU Are Love and in You there is no deceit. YOU did not have to send Your One and Only Son to the Cross for me. BUT while I was still in my sin, believing that I was good.....(Most of my life) Jesus had already died for me. PRAISE GOD HALLELUJAH, You had pity on a wretch like me!
Lord Jesus, the death toll for this covid-virus is up to 97,237. And we know that some of those people went to be with the Lord and some went to hell. YOU alone write our names in the Lamb's Book of Life. The ending for the living is not yet the ending. You did not send Your Son into the world to condemn but to save. John 3:16-18. The deliverance is NOT is the "social distancing" the "sheltering in place" nor the doctors, the ventilators or the vaccine. THE CURE IS IN THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!!!
Many are recovering and many will recover. Glory goes to You GOD! How sad to have recovered from one of the most catastrophic events of this time and then, still failing to trust Jesus as Savior for the salvation of their souls, and go to hell??!!
I fell asleep thinking about the conversation I had yesterday with a man named Kevin. He is 53 and doesn't know the gospel truth. I told him how I worked for Law Enforcement all that time without a Savior. If I had been killed in the line of duty, prior to May of 2008, I would be in HELL RIGHT NOW!
How can I not preach the good news to this lost and dying world? How can I keep quiet about the JESUS who offers eternal life. Like Pastor Dario said today in his sermon message, "this virus is NO respecter of person"....and neither are YOU GOD! Death is eminent for every human being. There is a Heaven and a Hell and there is a God who will judge. AND just because (you) do not believe in either, doesn't mean that it isn't TRUE!
Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit is NOT BOUND! I pray Father God that YOU would again, have MERCY on this world and extend another invitation today to those who are under the influence of the evil one.
"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, [headed for destruction] but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18
Thank YOU that on This GOOD NEWS FRIDAY, the gospel message is still good news. AND Thank You so much for entrusting it to me. I am having such a joyous adventure and You alone get all the Glory. It is Your POWER working through me. The POWER that Jesus promised when He ascended to heaven. "But when HE, the Spirit of truth comes, HE will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13..."And Jesus said, I have given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I AM with you always, even to the end of age." Matthew 28:18-20
Abba Father I thank You that You desire obedience and not perfection. Thank You that You embrace a contrite heart. Thank You that nothing is dependent upon me but my faith in Jesus.
Help those who are walking in darkness to repent. Lord, show them what that would look like, just as YOU did for me. Make them new creations, just as You did for me. Put a fire in their bones, just as You did for me. Overwhelm them with love indescribable, just like You're doing with me.
So many are afraid. I am not! Like Paul, I know whom I have believed in and I am fully persuaded.
I love YOU SO MUCH and I cannot wait to see You face-to-face. Oh and by the way....THANK YOU SO MUCH for yesterday's yummy truth from Jonah! GOOOD are You Lord. I'm so sad for those who don't know You. SO Sad for those who do and don't enjoy Your Word. SO Sad for those who do and still have not embraced Your love. SO Sad for those who have not heard Your voice....and even sadder for those who think they are going to heaven and will not because they have been greatly deceived by satan.
In spite of my sadness and my heavy heart...I embrace the good news of the Cross and I embrace Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of my faith. FATHER, I am only able to smile, rejoice, sing, dance, cook, eat, sleep, cry, pray, walk, witness, proclaim, testify, serve, encourage and love because YOU are mine and I am Your #beloved daughter. NOTHING will every change that TRUTH! (Romans 8:31-39)
PLEASE GOD, I plead with YOU again, set the captives free in Christ Jesus name. May today be a fresh anointing of Your Spirit and may Isaiah 61 be written in the skies for all to see and whispered in the ears of those who are without sight.
Eternally yours