Monday, March 23, 2020

Sweet 16 in the midst of COVID19

I hate sin.  I hate satan and I hate "social distancing!"

Churches are closed.  Schools are closed.  Malls are closed.  Restaurants are closed. The Zoo is closed.  Museums are closed.  Libraries are closed.  No parades.  Walt Disney World closed.  No public weddings or funerals.  ALL professional sports are cancelled.  No public concerts or venues.  No leisure flights.  No cruises.  No Department of Motor Vehicle.  No elective surgeries.  No dental appointments.  No visitations at the nursing homes.  No visitations at the jails and prisons.  No kids on the playgrounds.  All the famous landmarks are pretty much a ghost town.  No pedestrian traffic in NY's Time Square, the Nation's Capitol or in LA taking photos of the Hollywood walk of fame.

And the last one to come under submission is the Olympic Committee.  They are still trying to decide if they should proceed with this years games.  Considering they spent 30 billion dollars preparing.
Forget about the health and welfare of others...they want to move ahead...

Maybe our wealth and our pride and our wanting what we want is a thing that we should be pondering as millions of people are being told to "shelter in place."
Pretty much life as we "Americans" know it has come to a HALT.  The only things that are open (for now) are pharmacies, Walmart, grocery stores, liquor stores and gas stations.

At least six states have directed all non essentional people to stay in the house.  To work from home if applicable and if not, stop going period.  The Federal Government has shut it's doors to their employees and local business are also closed.  News anchors alternating, working from home to keep the distance among themselves.  Millions are applying for unemployment and many are living in fear trying to figure out how to feed their families. The doctor's and government officials are #believing that if we pratice "social distancing" for the next 15 days, we can "Get a Handle" on this.

There is man, once again trying to interject (his) wisdom...

What did God say and who in authority is praying to Him?

This thing wiped out residents of China, residents of Spain and insurmountable residents of Italy.  What makes man think that if we stop touching one another and stand back six feet, we are going to "resume our normal lives."  Seriously, people.  Why don't we ask GOD what does He want?

This is not at all His fault.  BUT He does hold the "cure!"  Personally, I do not believe He is going to give a vaccine just so that we can go back to the way things were.  I am in no way saying that this is our [mankind's] punishment.  I speaking the truth about the way things were before this happened.
Do we as a society really want to go back to the way things were.  We are either too afraid to speak the truth or we are accepting of it because it's too close to home or "that's their choice."
Men having sex with men.  Women having sex with women.  Abortions being accepted and normal.  The elections and political agenda, such an embarrassment and joke.  Kids vaping and dying and others kids seeing it and could care less.  Anxiety and depression being the day to day mood for most.  Opioid addictions have sky rocked.  Sexual immorality and not to mention of the inappropriate stuff on tv these days.  And that's just the short list.  We can talk about anything in the US and we do not talk about JESUS, Salvation, the Persecuted Church and the things of God.  We don't read our bible and people in so many other countries would give and arm and a leg to have one.

Pause:  Someone in North Korea, Kenya, Nigeria, Tajikistan and others would cut off a limb to have a copy of God's Word.  They would literally die today for their faith...

NOW that's News Worthy!

When I say these things, I am not judging or condemning.  The bible clearly says that without Jesus, you are already condemned.  John 3:16-18. (People rarely quote 17-18)

I am only quoting what the bible says about how we should govern our lives and calling sin what it is.  Righteous is a fancy word for "living right."  And that what He is wanting us to do.  Not just to live right but to come under His authority, admitting that we are sinners in need of a Savior.

FATHER GOD, whatever will bring you the most glory is my prayer!

That was just some things to ponder

Now...where does the sweet 16 come in?

It was my granddaughter's sweet 16th birthday on the 19th and we were unable to celebrate it in the way she wanted.  But my gracious GOD still provided.  Here is something I wrote and shared with others on Facebook:

#PSALM 66:16-20 πŸ™ŒπŸΌ♥️πŸ™ŒπŸΌ♥️πŸ™ŒπŸΌ♥️

Today I had a beautiful and blessed opportunity to talk to my granddaughters about death. Y’all don’t know my entire journey. I’ve shared portions of it in the past about how I was enjoying my sin until Jesus interrupted my life. Up until I was 42, no one shared the gospel with me. I was broken, trying to survive, doing life as best I could on my own. Looking for love in all the wrong places, all because I felt abandoned. Drinking, drugs, sex and more sex, cursing, lying, greed, pride, workaholic, etc...

I still remember how upset I was when my daughter told me she was pregnant, #both times…

That is just 1 of the reasons why I am SO #passionate about this #Savior. He surely saved #Wretch like me! If I was not a child of God, all I could do is tell my granddaughters that I love them. Hug them and kiss them and tell them how much I love them. And maybe give them some gifts and occasional money…That’s what #unsaved grandmothers do.

#ButGodAlmighty has given me the opportunity to share gospel truths with my #grangirls. If I die tonight, I will be leaving them a legacy of faith! Having had the undeserved privilege o pouring #godly truths and wisdom into their lives, again and again and again. I cannot even tell you the feelings that overwhelm me when we pray together! From years back, I never asked if they wanted to pray. I’ve always said, “Let’s pray.” And we each pray. They almost always ask for forgiveness of their sins! 😒😒😒

I fail and will fail, and they will fail, but we have a #merciful God who has forgiven our sins, past, present and future. Not because of anything we deserve. HE did it long before we were born. He knew me and He knew them long before the decision to follow Him was made. My #girls and I admitted that we were sinners and that we could not do this life apart from Jesus Christ. We acknowledged Him as the Son of God and that He was crucified, buried and resurrected! He now sits at the right hand of God the Father, just as He did before sin permeated all of mankind. I’m not bragging on me. I’m bragging on the God that #saved me! There are a lot of postings out here. Lots of stuff to read. But there’s only one #sure-thing that’s going to #save you; not from the coronavirus, but from the “lake of eternal fire!” And that is putting your faith, not in your spouse or your children, not in your career or your bank account, not in yourself or your current relationship and surely not in a statute! The only thing that’s going to #save you on the last day is the blood of Jesus and entering into a #personal relationship with Him. And that’s not a clichΓ©.  It’s a #decision of your free will to make God a priority! The Bible says everything will be put in the fire. Only those “things that were done” in the name of Jesus, for His kingdom will last. People don’t want to talk about hell or the last days. Revelation speaks all about it! Why is it that personal opinions can run to and fro but we cannot speak gospel truth without people getting offended? The answer is: Pride, fear and ignorance. I was prideful, I was afraid and I was oh so ignorant! Right where satan wanted me!TRUTH—->There is a hell, and there is a day of judgment. Yes, we know that God is love. But what is our response to that love? For such a time as this, we really need to be evaluating what we believe and why we believe. Everyone has placed their Faith in something.  I met a lady yesterday, and I tried to share the gospel with her, seeing if she was interested in praying, and she said, “I have my own beliefs!” She wanted nothing to do with me. I wasn’t mad or offended. I was sad for her. When I got in my car, I prayed that God would have mercy on her soul and show her the truth.

I know SO many of you out there know the Lord, love the Lord and are walking with the Lord. But some are deceived, and we all must be honest and say that not all of our Facebook friends and family members are Christians.

Let’s pray without ceasing for those lost souls. You are #all loved by me because HE loved me first. Let’s use this time to dig deep into the Word of God and increase of faith and strengthen our resolve to follow Him! So we can then be used by Him! I’ve had several jobs in my lifetime, one being a law enforcement officer for 25 years. The #bestjob ever is working for the Kingdom of God! Hands-down no comparison! He #alone holds the key to eternal life. Satan is offering anyone who wants it happiness, right here and right now! Similar to Sodom and Gomorrah! Just like those kids choosing to go against authority figures, and celebrating Spring Break when there is a world wide crisis at hand. One young lady said, “this is our time, here and now.”

I’m am in no way judging, it’s just proof that this flesh, if it is not under the Power and Submission of the Holy Spirit, it will not be told what to do. Paul said it in Romans chapter 7.

We have to keep praying for those around us who are perishing without a Savior! AND we have to bold, courageous and intentional about offering those who are still here the hope that we have.

May you be #encouraged by something I’ve shared! May you open your bibles and ask the Lord to speak to you! May you grieve over the lost souls from this terrible pandemic! May you not be the same as you were yesterday! AND may you settle your salvation if you’re unsure! Many truly believe that going to church, reading bible verses and even growing up in a “Christian home” makes you a believer! Nope! 100% NOT the case! The Bible says #repent and #believe! That is an independent action, choice and decision! It’s not a family deal or friendship pack! Read the gospel of John and see what you may have been misled about. Don’t you want to #know the #truth #before you die??? I was a cop and on the inside, afraid of death! Now I’m a civilian looking forward to it! ♥️ NOW THAT’S #ALL GOD!!! πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Again, no one ever shared the #gospel with me. God was working on my heart, and in #2008, I (just so happened) to be listening to Christian radio and that’s when Jesus turned the LIGHTS on!!!

The news is NOT talking about Jesus and it won’t! We’re so called running low on supplies. We’re supposed to be “checks from the government” soon! None of that will save a person’s soul. Speak to a pastor or Christian coworker, friend or even a neighbor about their salvation. Almost everyone has at least one person they know the be a #Christian. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask them some questions about their faith. Also there are still bibles on-line.

#CHURCH God is counting on us!

Sent with so much love, as I am interceding for you! ♥️

Neicy, the one whom Jesus loves

aka #PrincessBride