Where are all the little gods? God Almighty is the Creator of every living being. Not all agree, but that does not mean that it's not true. The other day while watching the news, the female anchor said that two weeks we were living life, eating out, meeting with friends, school, work, etc...
It may have appeared that we were "business" as usual. However, if you know anything about GOD and His plans for us, it was anything but.
In December, China was in a downward spiral as the Coronavirus had viscously attacked that part of the world and caught everyone off guard. It seemed truly unbelievable to the human ear to hear it broadcasted. As we watched the news media report update after update and as we watched the death toll soar. Little did we know that it was headed to the USA.
Get this. People are fighting over toilet tissue. Not BIBLES but toilet tissue!!! And a local beer brewery decided to shut down his factory and make "hand sanitizer." Yes, we are out of that too. None in the stores and none on Amazon!
PAUSE: For those who may thinking this seems like to END of the world. Have you read Revelation? There will be no one running to the grocery store for supplies and they'll be no food deliveries or drive thru prayer stations!
The world is temporarily shutting down and God is in complete control.
My grandmother left me a voice mail stating that truth. She is 94 and the joy in her voice was over the top contagious. The bible commands His people to count it all joy! It in no way means that we are not grieved over the loss of these enormous souls and that we are not concerned as this virus continues to spread at rapid speed.
Initially it was reported to have attacked the older generation, those with preexisting medical issues, etc. However, it turned out not to be the case. No one is exempt...NBA players, millennials, politicians, children, physicians, celebrities, law enforcement, fire fighters, believers and non, have all been victims of this deadly disease.
WE KNOW THAT GOD IS LOVE and YES, He so proved it went He sent us Jesus. But before He sent us Jesus, there was a great price to pay....
Our God is Sovereign and this in no way some kind of punishment. Our God has clearly made Himself known and has given us the bible as an instruction manual on how to navigate this life that "HE gave us." And when you get to know this God, you will not blame Him for this pandemic. He is a God who approves and He is a God who allows. The Old Testament is a beautiful outline of both His fiery fire and His tender heart and compassion. His Patience is unmatched for sure.
IF HE WANTED TO, He doesn't have to "allow" this virus, He could just wipe away the whole earth right now. He could clearly rapture His church and do away with all the rest if He so pleased.
BUT that is NOT who He is. The bible clearly says that He is not late with His "delay" simply reveals His loving patience toward you, because He does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) TPT version.... and am I forever grateful for that verse and that truth because HE didn't have to wait for me. #GloryHallelujah!!! I am a child of God!
We cannot sit back and wonder why? We can allow all kinds of questions to consume our thoughts or we can trust Him, the Creator. His Word clearly says that on the day of judgement, every knee shall bow, in heaven, on the earth and under the earth that Jesus Christ is Lord. But why wait til then...why put off your salvation?
PEOPLE, you can call on the name of the Lord Jesus and receive the gift of Salvation. A gift freely offered to all of mankind, says Romans 10:9 and 10. Ephesians goes on to say that it's a gift from Him so that you can't take credit for it and brag about yourself. It is all about GOD and His Son being sent to save mankind. Not from the Coronavirus but from eternal damnation and the unquenchable like of fire. That truth is also found in the bible, the very last book where sinners refusing to repent go out in a blaze and the righteous "not perfect" but those who chose to live right by God's standard and following in the footsteps of His beloved Son, will live in eternity as one family and one church!
Maybe, just maybe God is fed up with the evil, the greed, the pride, the hatred, the rebellion, the addictions, the sexual immorality, the drug overdoses, the divorces, the abortions, the prodigals, the false religions, the idols, and anything else that has taken His rightful place in our lives. (Matthew 22:37)
Maybe, just maybe this is being used as a MASS call to the Cross. Maybe He is wanting people to REPENT of their SINS and admit they that have SINNED against Him. Like King David said when he admitted his affair with Bathsheba...acknowledging that "against YOU God have I sinned." (Psalm 51)
We were all born sinners says the bible and not a lot of people want to agree with that, therefore don't seed the need for it. Truthfully speaking, the flesh will not be told what to do...
Pause: What about Genesis 6:5, Psalm 58:3, Ezekiel 18:20, Jeremiah 17:9, Romans 3:23, and Romans 5:12?
If you would have told me that I was a sinner or even called me one, I would have quickly become defensive, offended and disagreed. However, if you were to walk me through gospel....now that would have been a #gamechanger.
Just maybe, God is trying to get your attention. Maybe, just maybe, He's trying to pursue lost souls while there is still time. Will you even consider that? Will you investigate the truth? Will you give great concern to what happens when you die? And if you are already a believer, will you increase your faith, cling to His promises, pray for courage, endurance and boldness to share the gospel and to pray without ceasing for your loved ones, your acquaintances, your coworkers, your community and those outside your sphere of influence?
If you are truly a believer, you should be a person of prayer also. Remember when Moses interceded for millions of people? God was fed up with their sin and complaints and Moses begged God not to kill them. And don't forget all the prayers of the Old Testament Prophets. Lastly, don't forget that the bible says that Elijah was just "a man" and that the prayers of a righteous person (singular) are powerful and effective. Will you be that person...I know I will. I know that I am. Not by my own strength, wording or will, but solely the work of the Holy Spirt that dwells in me. The Holy Spirit promised by my Savior before He ascended to Heaven, the night before His crucifixion.
Sent with love,
His Princess Bride