Father here we are again...this ankle is my thorn and I am counting it all joy! The pain and swelling is back and I'm stuck. I have not one single complaint. YOU continue to stay close to me and You continue to provide ALL that I need. I have no specific place to be and if I did, You would give me the ability to get there depending on the need. YOU are Sovereign and everything is under Your control. I have never felt as close to You as I have these past 3-4 months. Actually since all this began... You will indeed know the ending! And I say, "AMEN!"
The trials of life do seem to draw us either close to YOU or turn us away. I am beyond grateful that I am clinging to You. I cannot even imagine going in the opposite direction. Who can do this life and all the "yucky" stuff that comes with it, without You? Who has a God like ours?!
I've been reading and reading Your Word, and clearly seeing the heart of man along with the desires of the flesh. LORD God please help believers to call sin what it is. Help Your church to stop ignoring it and accepting it. We are supposed to be set apart for YOU ALONE!
Apart from You, we will not do good and we will not seek You! Again, I thank YOU and praise YOU that Your Holy Spirit pursued me and gave me the ability to respond!
This journey with You, the past eleven years, trumps all the years prior without You! You are my truth, my hope, my peace, my joy, my strength, my wisdom, my self-discipline, my breath, my rest, my laughter, my song, my dance, my stillness, my poetry, my FRIEND...and SO much more...
The hymn says, "I need Thee every hour..." I declare that I need You, every moment, of every day!
Thank You for upholding me during this pain. Last month it was unbearable, but YOU were with me. You kept me and You helped me. I cried and cried, and You were right there with me. I felt You and I heard You. I am beyond finding words of gratitude to express how in the knowing...I AM is at work. In my life and the life of my loved ones.
Thank You that You see Tatiana and You see Jazmine. You have been the smile on Tyonna's face and You are working in their dad's life.
Thank You for the gift of prayer!
Thank You for the provisions, even after retirement!
Thank You that I still get to live here!
Thank You for the study of Acts!
Thank You for those who really pray!
Thank You for all of Your kept Promises!
Thank You for causing me to slow down!
Thank You for giving my life purpose!
Thank You for spiritual discernment!
Thank You for Your faithfulness!
Thank You that I don't have to!
Thank You for all those pennies!
Thank You for #everything...past, present and future!
Thank You for Your Perfect and Devine will. Right now, I have never felt such a strong desire to leave this earth and come home. To see YOU, face-to-face! YOU are my heart's desire and I've felt this way for quite some time, BUT this life is NOT about me and what I (want). This life is ALL about YOU! Thy will be done. In Jesus' name, I wholeheartedly surrender! Amen!
Thank You for the Saturday that we spent driving from Solomon's Island and what You clearly said. I have heard that song before, several times, and it still causes me to weep. BUT on that day, YOU spoke directly to my soul. You said, "I didn't save you from Hell. I saved you for Myself."
#G L O R Y H A L L E L U J A H
What kind of love is this?! Who has a God like ours?!
Eternally grateful...eternally yours