Monday, August 19, 2019

Here i am...

Hi Abba,

You know that dad was asleep and I was reading.  Then, he briefly opened his eyes and said turn to the news.  I turned (in obedience) and continued reading. I am enjoying Beth Moore's "A Heart Like His."  The life of King David.  I'm already on chapter 8.  If only we would choose obedience...  "I HATE THIS FLESH!"

Apart from God, we simply won't....Lord Jesus, I wholeheartedly acknowledge that I need Thee every moment of every day.  I'm not good without YOU.  I won't make good decisions and I won't want to love those difficult people or forgive them...

Back to my post:  Now we're watching Evening News with David Muir.  Getting the latest and most relevant news.  So very sad and unbelievable how three young men were arrested wanting to be the "next mass shooters."  GOD everything is happening just as You said.

I keep getting off track:  The reason why I started this post was because, by YOUR GRACE, I have since returned from Ghana and Indiana, and I am now sitting on dad's sofa in Akron, Ohio.


GOD YOU are SOMETHING ELSE!  The PRAYER Walks have been absolutely incredible.  It's been three weeks and I am having such an #adventure!  It is NOTHING but the work of the Holy Spirit!  When I am focused on YOU and when I take the focus off of myself...YOU SHOW UP!  Yay and Hallelujah!  Cartwheels and summersaults...and today, even a tambourine! :-)

Going to pause for now and spend some time with dad...

I will return cause I got some yummy stuff to share...

Eternally yours