Lord willing I will be in Ghana next month! YAY and WOW GOD!
Then I'll have a brief break and will head to Momentum with our Grace Brethren Youth! YaY!
Then I'll have a brief break and I will be headed to Ohio to visit daddy! Yay!
So excited to see what my Akron prayer walks will yield. May the fruit be the sole work of the Holy Spirit and may the friendships developed in my past visits be met with the sweet aroma of Christ.
I hope to see Leisa, Robin, Maxine and Kelly!
Lord You have planned great things long ago and each and every time I visit dad, Your Presence never fails to show up to strengthen and encourage me. Can't wait to see Ms Jean, Chet, Joe and many others.
I love sitting on dad's sofa and watching cowboy shows while he sits opposite me asleep in his recliner. I especially love feeling completely at home. I get to enjoy his homecooking which is so much better than mine. Yep, he's a great cook, but I give the best hugs! Lol
Seriously, which would you'd rather have...?! :-)
God these are my plans but YOU have full REIGN to redirect my steps and to use me for YOUR Glory! My heart's desire is to #shine for YOU and to point others to Your Son, the ONE who came to seek and to save that which was lost! Luke 19:10
As much as I long to see YOU face-to-face, Abba, there are many souls still lost. There are many people blinded by satan. 2 Corinthians 4:4
There are many who are deceived and many who have no idea that Jesus is wanting to invite them into a personal relationship as well as spend eternity together.
Many do not know that all they have to do is REPENT! TO Renounce their sin and to turn to GOD! (Acts 2:38)
Father, however YOU want to use me to reflect His LIGHT and His truth, I am willing.
I have been reading and meditating on the Gospel of Luke since March and it clearly showed me so many things but today revealed that I was one of those who cared more about my material possessions and something as simple as the weather, more than the salvation of my own soul. (Referencing chapter 12)!
YOU shined Your Light on my sin and Your Holy Spirit caused my to see my need for YOU! I had no idea that I was a sinner and was headed to hell.
Oh How You Love Me! PRAISE GOD that I don't have to repay You which is completely impossible and futile. BUT, I can offer my life as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2) in exchange for Your PRICELESS Gift!
Love always,
Your beloved daughter