Saturday, July 14, 2018

Birthday Bliss

Heavenly Father, I PRAISE YOU ALONE!  I have absolutely nothing to do with this beautiful life.

Your Spirit woke me up:  THANK YOU!!!

In Christ we live and move and have our being...Acts 17:28

Whew...I can relax and allow YOU to direct this journey...yay!

Spoke this day through Siri... :-)

Love when technology is used for good...

God woke me up today. He reminded me that I was still the apple of His eye. Then He sang Psalm 139 over me. Afterwards, He wiped away my tears. He then attentively listened to my prayers. Later we shared a cup of coffee. 

While waiting for Amanda to bring my cell phone, I asked God for a penny. HE gave me a penny and a  little heart shaped rock in the parking lot.

I talked to my mommy. LOL, as usual! I talked with my son, nothing but love! Precious prayers before we got off the phone. I spoke with Maxine, from Ohio. Sweet fellowship and incredible time of praying together in the name of Jesus, before we got off the phone. I spoke to my beautiful daughter, bragging on my King and His faithfulness in my life and what He wants to do in the life of HIS children.

I did some laundry and washed the dishes. Thank you for clean water.

Afterwards, I felt like I worked for four straight hours. LOL

This past week spent at grief camp, was incredible. The weather was perfect, and the time spent together was priceless. I had two very special campers, and they wrote me the sweetest thank you and goodbye cards.  Of course I cried. I'm such a crybaby. So grateful that God gives me tears!

Later today, by God's grace...yummy seafood (another penny) and cop shows.  My bliss.

So much love from texts, calls and e-mails.  Exhausting interruptions….Lol
SO LOVED AND BLESSED by Juliet...all the way from Ghana!

FOCUSED: Love hearing from Leisa.  Christiana sent me a beautiful card.

I'm so blessed with all my GBC family and those that the LORD put in my path since the moment I said YES to His Son.  GOD You are worthy to be PRAISED!  I don't want anything to point to me and everything to point to YOU!

Father, I'm preparing to go with the Youth to Momentum and I'm super excited to hear from YOU!

Lord as we learned in the Way of The Master, "praying" a prayer is not salvation....repenting, believing and surrendering is when the journey begins.  IF we fail to believe, faith to obey and fail to surrender...we are not in "relationship" with YOU!  

A life lived for Christ is a crucified flesh and a daily dying to self.  Meditation on the Word of God allows the voice of God to direct our path, transforming the heart and life for HIS Glory!

YOUR Word says if we love YOU we obey YOU!  Lord, help me in any area of my life where I'm not walking in obedience and where I'm leaning on self.  I want to be a strong witness to the lost and I want to be in the center of Your will.

This birthday is a beautiful gift from YOU but my truest BLISS is being LOVED by YOU and knowing that I'm never, ever alone!

Eternally yours