Thursday, January 11, 2018

Holy Spirit Discernment

FATHER, KEEP ME CLOSE TO YOU, This I pray.  In Jesus' name, amen!

Yesterday, I received a facebook message from someone in Christ...or so I thought.  The hacker used Spiritual words and tried to connect to my heart and vulnerabilities by praising YOU!  For just a few moments, I thought it was her and then, the discernment from Your Holy Spirit kicked in.  I knew that it was not.

What a sneaky, slithering snake that satan is to try to trick me.  Glory to God in the HIGHEST, it did not work.

I ended the conversation in our in-box with this:  Stay in PRAYER sister, as we know that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, BUT those who BELIEVE, Jesus came to give us an ABUNDANT life.  Love in Christ our Lord!

The person's response was: Ok thanks.

No child of Yours responds that way.

When I called my real sister in the faith this morning, she was not doing well.  She said that she had received phone calls from others saying that her account had been hacked.  Then she went on to share something that was so very heavy on her heart.  WE PRAYED on the phone in the PRECIOUS name of our Savior and Our LORD, Jesus Christ!

I absolutely love that what the enemy tried to use for evil, YOU O GOD, You turned it into a ginormous opportunity for me to contact someone who I hadn't heard from in quite sometime, someone who was overcome with anxiety and was in desperate need of encouragement.  I reminded her of who YOU are and what You will do for those who believe.  Your Promises haven't changed!

FATHER, I pray that You will stay by her side and remind her as often as necessary just how much You love her.  We know that You specialize in the impossible...per Your Word...with God #all things are POSSIBLE for those who BELIEVE!

Eternally yours