Sunday, December 24, 2017


Father it's 1607 hours, according to my laptop.

THANK YOU!  Church was so full of love this morning!  ONLY BECAUSE YOU LOVED US FIRST!  Lots and lots of love, hugs, hymns, and reminders of who we are #because LOVE came down. THANK YOU!

I just finished writing my sisters a "Christmas prayer letter."  I also wrote one for my neighbor, by the leading of Your Holy Spirit.

My plans:  Going back to church for another yummy service at 1700 hours.  Planning to drop the grangirls gift off to them before gong to my mom's for a sleepover.  ALL YOUR GRACE.  My daughter and I as well as my mom and I have come a long way....GRACE indeed!

I had the sweetest fellowship with Rebecca today!  That is my earnest prayer for my siblings, children and grandchildren.  I deeply desire that they would have rich, transparent, encouraging, spiritually divine fellowship with likeminded believers.  I know that YOU took this heart of mine as well as this life of mine and together we have #soared beyond my wildest beliefs....BUT it's who You are when we give ourselves over to YOU!

I PRAY and I BIND...I PRAY and I CANCEL...I PRAY and I DEMOLISH any attempts the enemy may have toward my family.  I PRAY IN THE NAME OF JESUS BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS...My LORD and MY break and loose any stronghold, any rebellion, any hidden sins, any complacency, any fears, any unbelief and any untruth...YOUR WORD is TRUTH AND IT SAYS THAT GREATER is HE that is in THEM than he that is in this world.  YOUR Word says that they are more than conquerors....YOUR Words says that You are FOR THEM!  Your Word says that if any who believe have a mustard seed size FAITH, the mountains shall be moved in Jesus' name.  THAT's what I'm praying...HOWEVER, I'm praying not because I doubt or am failing to TRUST...I am praying because Your Word says to PRAY without ALL times in the SPIRIT for ALL the saints.

YES, in Jesus' Precious and Matchless name, may it be so! #AMEN!

Deep breath....exhale...Lol.....-----> surely Your Holy Spirit dwells in this body!

I started the post to say THANK YOU!  I accomplished my to-do list because of Your Grace.  I was able to visit with Mother Williams and give her a small token of my love.  It wasn't the best of circumstances, but YOU were there and it was all Your timing.  I gave a small love offering to Ms. H, may it richly bless her! Also got a yummy hug from Lee and K.

I got to hold the door for Mrs. Diana, who called me His Princess Bride!  SO TRUE!

I needed to see Gina, Ruth and Sue this morning and You arranged that so perfectly.  I love seeing Anne with her parents.  I know You're planning someone special for her.  I'm praying along with her parents.  I had sweet fellowship with Debbie, Noland's grandma.

I mailed cards last week, wrote the final cards this week and will not stress over the ones that remain undone.  I will write love-notes when I get to dad's.  Speaking of dad's, praying for travel mercies and a sweet time together as I plan to keep my pj's on the entire time! Yes and yay!

He said we have to go out and eat...I disagree. Lol

Speaking of desire is to fast on New Year's Day.  I'm asking and praying today for the grace and self-discipline.  I'm looking forward to what YOU will reveal to me....

Going to have some yummy food tonight at mommy's and see T and the girls tomorrow.  Hoping to see my beloved Alex also.  LORD make it happen.  :-)

I love you Father and I want to THANK YOU for all the GRACE You have poured out on my family this past year.  I hope and PRAY that they have and will continue to THANK YOU as well. Your Word says that ALL things were created by YOU and for YOU and we are apart of that beautiful and blessed creation.  We live and move and have our being ONLY because LOVE came down, died for us and rose again...ascended to heaven and will SOON return for those that Received Him and walk in faith, believing that Jesus Christ is Lord.

I #believe and I anticipate Your return.

Help those with Jesus' name. AMEN!