Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Fruit of The Spirit

Lord, I love YOU!

Yesterday, I had a prayer list of many, many needs and I heard the Word Patience.  I recalled the Fruit of the Spirit and posed this question:  "Why do we have to have an answer to our prayers right now...why can't we #just be patient?"

My heart was heavy, as its been for weeks. I prayed for everyone on the prayer list and it was long.  I prayed that YOU would grant them the ability to be patient, to trust You and to wait on Your timing, which is #always timely.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORD THAT ASSURES AND COMFORTS ME..."My soul melts from heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your word." (NKJV)

Later, as I moved about my day, I received a text from my mom and it said that she was going to the doctor's.  She's always texting us and letting us know here whereabouts.  I responded saying to be careful and a heart. THEN, out of nowhere I asked if she needed to do anything on Saturday and if so, I could take her.

WHAT WAS I THINKING?? It would be the last full shopping day before Christmas and it would be a mess.  Usually when I text her to see if she needs groceries, etc...she says, "No honey."  To my surprise, this time she said, "Yes."

Oh my goodness, I would need PATIENCE in a big way...the traffic, the crowds, the long lines, the noise, the ......

BUT GOD....You are so good.  I acted out of obedience to Your Word which says to honor your mother and your father. I woke up, prayed, had my devotional time with You, shared it with Susie, sent out my Barnabas text and was in the midst of getting dressed, when my mom texted.

She said that she was up and that I could come as early as I wanted. She'd gotten up early and would be ready.  Yay and yippee!  I stopped at Dunkin Donuts, got a medium coffee and positioned my way in the traffic.  It actually flowed pretty smoothly.  The entire day did.  PRAISE GOD!  Yep, I Praise You Father!

We went to Ross, Shopper's and then picked up Chinese Food.  I took her home, hugged her really tight and by 12:11, I was in my car headed back to North Beach.  I even went to Giant Food to get her some Eggnog.  I love how mommy watches the sale prices when I take her shopping, not wanting me to spend too much.

I LOVE YOU LORD!  You know that my mom and I did not have the best of relationships and there were seasons when we were very distant...seasons of little to no communication and personally, I held a lot against her that was based on decisions that I made of my own free will.

YOUR GRACE toward me and YOUR FORGIVENESS for my sins FREED me to fully LOVE!

FATHER, YOU are indeed a God who redeems and restores.  My mom and I love one anther and if I were to die today, it is well with my soul.  I have reconciled all past relationships, forgiven pasts hurts and I have put on love to those whom You've placed in my path.

Thank YOU for a beautiful day wrapped in the FRUIT of PATIENCE and PEACE.  It's So true that when we pray in the Spirit, believing...we have what we have asked for.

Galatians 5:22-25 and 1 John 5:14-15

A special thank YOU for the weather.  It was around 57 degrees and it was Your gift to us.