Saturday, December 16, 2017

ONE Word in 2018

Oh How I love the Lord!  Yes, Father, I love YOU!

Denise sent me an e-mail asking about my WORD for 2018.  This will be my fouth year and I am still in awe of how You use my life and my gifts.  When I first discovered this kind of "resolution" it was from a YouVersion Bible App Devotional.  I read about it and tried to live it out 2015.  My Word for that year was #listen.  I kept a journal and it was becoming obvious that it was You speaking to me as I was approaching retirement.  I loved every blissful moment of that journey.

In 2016, my Word was #Balance.  It was such a challenge.  As I retired on 1/2/16, I was so filled with anxiety.  It felt so strange to me as well as uneasy to be still.  I was so used to being under the command of the Metropolitan Police Department and to be free after 25 years was not coming natural to me.  YOU Father told me to begin writing down my prayers.  I was already doing so, but it became more intense and more disciplined.  By YOUR GRACE, I went to Seattle, Ohio and England. I was beginning to create balance.  But then, it would leave...return...and leave...I was saying YES to things and not praying about it or even talking it over with You. I felt like 2016 rushed right past me and I missed being #still with You.

You allowed me to become exhausted and even frustrated.  I love YOU for letting me learn from my mistakes and for gentle correction and instruction. With that, I decided to go into 2017, with the same Word (balance) and a whole new agenda, YOURS!

I said, "I will do Nothing" --- No travel, no concerts and no conferences...Lo' and behold, You sent me to Japan and Ghana.

Now, as I have been back for three weeks, I feel the most balanced I've ever felt.  I even have time to write poetry again!  Yay!

I've submitted my plans to YOU and You have given back those things that You've Called me to do and those things that You need me to do in order to grow in my faith walk and to serve in Your name.

I'm going into #2018 with the Word #EXPERIENCE!  This is what I shared with Denise: 
"Yes, my Word is experience. I want to fully experience all that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wants to do for me and through me!"

At 5:09 am, I received in an e-mail from Dr. Tony Evans, one of Your faithful servants:

Dear Friend,
As you wrap up the year, you have so much to be grateful for in regards to God’s providence in your life and His plan for your future. Looking back on all He has done for you, I believe you will experience hope for the year to come. Never underestimate the power of God’s Word to infuse you with confidence and fill you with His peace.

Definition of experience

1 a : direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge

b : the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation

2 a : practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity

b : the length of such participation
  • has 10 years' experience in the job

3 : something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through

4 a : the conscious events that make up an individual life

b : the events that make up the conscious past of a community or nation or humankind generally

5 : the act or process of directly perceiving events or reality