Saturday, January 14, 2017

Close To Heart

Unexpected Grief...

Death stops you in your tracks...metaphorically speaking...dead in your tracks. You're moving and then you pause...your heartbeat instantly stops...and it literally paralyzes least mentally, as we try to process what just happened, when moments ago there was life.

Physically and completely unknown to us, our knees give way to the weight of the shock and we collapse. Some even faint and almost everyone in the moment of receiving the devastating news, cries out in a voice unfamiliar to anyone, but very familiar to those who've walked through, not around but through similar seasons of grief.

Emotionally speaking the uncontrollable tears, weeping and even wailing can intensify as the reality begins to set in that it has truly happened to you. It's not a nightmare and no, it didn't happen to someone is in fact your heart wrenching loss, one of your beloved.

Then there are those rare moments when others are somewhat prepared, some had advanced knowing regarding their loved ones and we're not caught off guard and in those instances, the grief still encompassed them, but it was well with their souls.

Well this was so not the case with my family. BUT even so, I'm trusting God and His Sovereignty to hold my sister and family together, as well as all who knew and loved my 28 year old nephew,  Darryl Tyrone Ware, Jr.

Bernice, I love you! No time, distance or disagreements will ever change that! I am here for you in whatever capacity you need me. But even in that promise, humans fail and oftentimes having good intentions, don't meet our expectations. And although I am grieving with you and with Darryl, DJ's dad, I don't know this kind of sorrow.

BUT take heart beloved, because you and I serve a God who keeps His Word! He Promised to walk with His children in their time of need. He said that He would never leave you nor forsake you! He said there would be a time to mourn. He said that there would be troubles and tribulations. He said that the enemy came to kill, steal and destroy. He said that He overcame the world! He also said to be prepared because, like death HE to will come in an instant. In an unexpected a thief in the one knows the day or the hour in which HE will return for those who love Him and for those who belong to Him. For HE has conquered death and there is eternal life after this one ends. There is a LIGHT in the midst of us and His name is Jesus!

There is a place that Has a room for you and that place is heaven. And in that place, you will not feel grief nor will you weep. You will rejoice at the sight of your Savior, the one who has always LOVED you and the One who is holding you in this very moment. Precious sister of mine, we serve a God who sees you and loves you with an everlasting love! He wants to be your refuge! Let Him carry you and trust that you can lean on Him

“He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭91:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬