Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Your Voice

My Lord,

I adore YOU!  But that is in no way news to You.  I have been quite busy, doing this that and the other.  I have really been enjoying bible study.  Tuesday in Bible Study Fellowship we are taking a slow walk through the Gospel of John.  Father as I pray, You are making this book come to life for me in brand new ways!  YOU are so #Faithful!!!!!!!

I am also attending Wednesday night at church with Pastor Wagner as we journey through the "Gospel Project."  He's so wise and so much fun.  I love his commitment to us and to YOU!

And for Thursday's study we just finished the Armor of God with Priscilla Shirer.  Awesome study about our equipment as "Soldiers" in God's Army!  Father God, I thank YOU that You are for us and that no weapon formed shall prosper against Your children!

What comfort to my body, soul and spirit and what a friend we have in Jesus!

I hear Your tender loving voice reminding me of some things that I've forgotten.  You clearly told me the other day, just as I was approaching Grace Brethren on Route 260.  You said, "I have equipped you with many gifts and one of them is writing, so get back to it!"  I heard You loud and clear.  Not only that, I had read lots of stuff later that afternoon and evening, and just before turning in, I decided to read just one more thing.  I had a choice between Our Daily Bread, Life Action Camp devotional or Morning's With Jesus.  I chose the latter and in typing that, "it was actually" the Holy Spirit.  The timely devotional was about the gifts that You've given us and to get busy using them. 

I love writing and I do "miss" it.  I have also become lazy as I mostly "speak" into my iphone and then post "encouragement" on Facebook or share with many others via text or e-mail.

I still have a desire (amongst other things) to publish books and to become a writer for a Christian Blog or magazine.  I love YOU so much for reminding me of the things that give me extreme joy!  I also love the many things that I've been asked to do since retirement and the tender loving way that You've reminded me to continue listening to YOUR still small voice!

Thank You for the opportunity to provide childcare again for the MOPS Mommy's and thank YOU that I was free to provide childcare for Ashlee's bible study for young mothers.  Thank You for our sweet encounter as we met in the church kitchen, peeling oranges for VBS!  Thank You also for her mom, Diane. THANK YOU FATHER! I have truly enjoyed meeting her and getting to share our testimonies.  I especially want to thank YOU for giving me an "On Call Ministry!"  I've never forget when You told me that on July 17th.  There's no way I could have made up such a thing!  When You speak to me, it is as clear as the morning Son-rise bursting through the dawn's new day!

Speaking of sunrise :-)

THANK YOU that I still get to live in North Beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS Jesus Journey is so #amazing to me!  Still :-)

I pray that I can work this fall with Kathy and Carol as well as subbing here and there.  I also pray that I can get involved with a Hospice Ministry for YOUR glory.  I've been praying so much lately and I want to be very aware of what You've called me to do.  I don't want to say "yes" without praying and I surely don't want to say it and it feels like an obligation.  I want to serve YOU and to be "all in" and have it be deeply satisfying.  I know without a doubt that I am an encourager, counselor and childcare nurturer.  I love to serve others, clean and give of my resources (if there is a need)!  Anything outside of that, LORD, I so need a "Moses" burning bush encounter! LOL

Sounds funny, but Oh so true.  I don't want to do a ministry to meet a need that others can do and I don't want to say "yes" just to be saying "yes".  YOU know that I'm a recovering "people-pleaser" and I love that Your Word says that there are "many members" but one body.  There is enough work for everyone and not a small group of people need to repeatedly do all the work! I want to serve YOU with my whole heart and when I'm in my "giftedness" I'm so aware of YOU and Your promise that what I'm doing is for YOUR Kingdom and I didn't just happen upon it.  It was planned long ago, as You've said in Jeremiah 29:11.

TO GOD BE THE GLORY for Leaving us His Living WORD!

Lord I want to say a special thank YOU!  There is someone special in my life and I see YOU working and answering prayers!  You are all knowing and at work in ways that I could have never imagined!  That's why I love Your Word.  It says that no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no human mind can conceive what God has planned for those who LOVE and WAIT on Him. 

I may have misquoted some of it, BUT Father I want to say, "THANK YOU!"  I'm enjoying the waiting and I wholeheartedly trust YOU!  Thy will be done!

LORD I also want to lift up our Women's Retreat that is quickly approaching. I know, trust and believe that YOUR Presence is going to do a MIGHTY work in us and I'm so, so, so excited!  GOD You are always at work and I love that You never sleep nor slumber!

Lord, YOU know every single name and every single need!  Father HAVE Your way!

And as You know, we are having our last Go-Fish small group on Thursday.  YOU know the name of every person that is in need of Salvation from our prayers list and Father, we trust YOU.  You waited many, many years for me and I've heard of several stories where seniors were saved just before dying.  LORD God You are Sovereign over all and You Word says that You want NOT ONE SOUL PERISH!

In addition, give each person who participated in this series to go out into the universe to tell others about this Sweet Jesus that we love.  The ONLY ONE who Saves!

Eternally yours