Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What A Feeling!

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you!

Oh how I love you.  I have made a commitment to you, to Missy and to myself and I feel wonderful!
I cannot thank you enough for giving me the spirit of discipline, wisdom and grace to take this incredible journey.  I can no longer blame my thyroid issues for my lack of energy and failing to exercise.  It is truly a "choice" to care for myself and to provide a healthy dwelling place for your Holy Spirit to live.

I am only sorry that I did not take better care of your vessel in the past and that I covered myself in excuses and denial as to the reasons why I looked and felt the way that I did. 

Thank you for using Lysa to share her various testimonies to encourage me. But mainly Father, I thank you for pressing upon Melissa's heart that "we" need to take a stand.  Together, we are on day #12 and this is more than an accomplishment for me but a day of CELEBRATION for her!

Thank you for the other ladies who are taking a journey toward health and wholeness; wanting to seek a better way of life.  They too need your sweet loving and compassionate hand to guide them.  Susan and I have been Facebooking and enjoying our new found friendship.  Kim and Brittany are doing it as a team and Emmie is hanging in there.  Not sure when dad will start and I just took T her juicer on Monday.  My prayers go up asking for you tender, loving voice to whisper, "Hang in there, you can do it!"

Thank you for yesterday's clarity and tears.  Thank you for bringing up those old feelings and emotions and allowing me to flush more of my guilt in exchange for your grace.  That is what I love about you Dad, I love that you continually bring me to a place of acceptance and assurance; no matter what I've done. 

I just want people to see that although I am the happiest I've ever been and although my JOY is totally complete in you, and my peace [your gift to me] surpasses all understanding...#and YES, I am your Beloved Princess Bride...I too am a #Sinner and I need you everyday of my life.  Without your love and presence, I would without a doubt stain my testimony, over and over again!

I make mistakes. I have wrong thoughts and desires and I am continually having internal dialogues on the reasons why I should be doing something for you as oppose to doing nothing or the alternative-pleasing myself and bearing no fruit.

Father you know my two prayers and I pray them still to this day.  Even when I don't understand, I will trust you.  And I cannot do anything in my own will, but if you HOLD my hand [just as your promised] I can and I will.  I love you!

Love always,
Your beloved disciple :-)

Prayer request: Lynnard, Rosslyn, Bob and Jean, Bella, Sabrina, Margaret,Carol, Earl, Jen, Mr. D, Hope, Mary, nursing homes and animal shelters.

Eternally yours