Sunday, March 16, 2014

Beginning And Ending In Gratitude

My Lord,

Your name is Glorious! You reign Victorious!

I for one am grateful!

I had an amazing tear-filled weekend.  I love those kinds of memories and moments with you.
Thursday night's class was awesome!  I love Beth and this current study of Revelation is continually revealing who you are in my life.  You do love me and want the best for me.  Who could say that and carry it out?! (A special thank you that Darlene is studying with us). 

I know that my family and friends truly want the best for me, but not like you God.  Your best for me is knowing what's ahead and preventing and or blocking anything that the enemy has planned to distract or harm me.  For that, my heart is indeed in your hands.  I want you to hold it tightly because you are the God that I trust.

I cried as Beth went into detail: Revelation Chapter 1.
I love the way that John attempts to describe the vision of Christ...and then goes on to say, "When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead." (vs. 17)

My Lord, you are the Alpha and the Omega and I am your beloved Princess!  That causes me to cry!!


On Friday, I began the day with your sun-gift:

And then, I went to get my little sister Nichole some coffee from her favorite store.  She is going to be so excited to see that I got her 4 bags.  So glad that I did. It cost more to mail it than it did to purchase.  I miss her so much and I am so praying with my whole heart that your timing will be perfect when they call to tell me that they are expecting their first child.  She wants 6 and has promised me one, but I'm beginning to change my mind.  I love having days to myself and planning to travel at a moment's notice. Lol

I then went to the Shoppers, hoping to get a deal on some fruits and veggies.  NOT the case $97.  Thank you for continually sustaining my budget during this juice journey.  Cindy said is so perfectly when I told her about how expensive it has become.  She said that "cancer" treatments cost more!  Enough said!  I agree!

And not only that, I'm worth it!  I can truly be a poster girl for juicing.  I feel and look great.  Not to sound vain but to sound confident.  With your grace and my discipline, I'm on day #16.  Missy is standing alongside me in the Victory!  Today, she's making a birthday dinner for her son.  Lord, please give her the will to stand!  I know that you can and will do that, because this "thing" was all her idea [and yours!] 

When I got home, I got ready for small group study.  I love my group and so grateful that you've placed me with this particular group of believers.  We have grown to love, trust and pray...laugh, cry and share...break bread, count on and encourage.  All by your grace!

Our new study is going to be awesome.  We got a glimpse of the study as we were all taking a vote on what to study next.  I forget the Facilitator's name, but the study is called, "It All Goes Back In The Box."  We had to take a post-it note and place it on all the things we believed to be #Temporary.  And, then we had to place a post-it note on the things that we believed to be #Eternal. (Sounds easy, right.) Of course, eternal would be every human being.  Whether we go to Heaven or Hell, it will surely be for eternity!

That so caused my thinking to shift.  Yes, I love living on the water, but I know it will come to an end.  Not because I'm going to heaven with you, but because while I'm still here...I'm only renting.  But you are a BIG God and I'm asking you if I can stay until you call me home! Lol (Please)
In the same breath...when you tell me to move, I will not pout...I will pack and move, putting all of my trust in you.  Where I go, you go also!


My Lord, yesterday was so wonderful.  Waking up to your sun-gift...tears.  I was listening to Glorious by Anthony Evans, reading my Jesus Calling and then burst into tears.  It was all so overwhelming as I sat in front of the window, staring at you and the waves.  Yes, you gave that gift to me...peace, contentment and water as far as the eye can see.  You know me....deeply know me and that is why I am yours!

After I cried, I cleaned up just a bit.  Ruth came by for a visit and it was so yummy!  We had a fresh fruit juice for lunch.  She loved it and she loved my "beach house birthday" gift from you.  We talked and shared parts of ourselves that took our sisterly love to another level.  That My Lord, was your Spirit.  I am so grateful to her for being as passionate about you as I am.  She's going to come back and make me some dinner when I'm finished with my fast.

As she was leaving out, Jane was coming in.  I was so smiling!  I loved every minute of my Saturday.  Jane and I had an awesome time in fellowship.  She wanted to hear my testimony.  Many say that I'm on *Fire* for you and I don't see that.  I just love you!

We talked for a couple of hours and I made her some lunch.  Mean Green Juice. Lol
She said that it's been on her heart for quite sometime and now is the time to begin.  Lord, you are doing awesome things behind that scenes and it has nothing to do with Missy and I deciding to take a juice fast.

After Jane left, I sat on my "porch" and read my O Magazine.  It was breezy but on so sunny.  There is no water on the side of the building but the birds are there, a few trees and the sun is always there and always warm to my skin.  It's like a *hug* from you.  I felt it God.  I love you and I felt it.

I talked a bit with Mr. Doug.  He and his wife were celebrating their wedding anniversary and planning a quiet dinner on their balcony.  How romantic?!  I pray that I get the chance, later in life.  With the right man of course!  No hurry! Lol

Afterwards, I showered and made my preps for the coming week...juicing, clothing, work bag, books, know all the stuff that it takes to get ready for the outside world.  The one I'd rather hide from, but can face because you are with me.  You know if I had my way, I'd stay inside, in my pjs, reading your word. Lol

After I finished messing around in the kitchen, I turned to look out the window and there you were!  I could not believe it.  The moon was so big, round and bright and there was a cross around it.  It was so amazing, I cried.  I went to the door, just to be sure.  But as I opened the screen, it was just the moon.  But, when I closed the screen back, it was as if the moon was surrounded by a cross.  I cried, knowing that you were there with me and that you will always be there. 

Father, you never stop looking for ways to reveal yourself to me and I am paying attention.  I love you and I am paying attention! 


My Lord,

You show up again and again....I was almost late for church. Lol

Church was #AWESOME this morning.  The songs made me cry.  You knew that they would.  And that's why you had me go to the ladies room to get some tissue before service :-)

It was a sisterly love morning.  Saw Ruth first thing!!!!!!! She looked so pretty.  I hugged Inez and Wanda.  Kim and Laurie sat with Melanie and I.  I hugged Claudette and Gina made me cry.  She said that I have a gift of making everyone feel special.  FATHER, YOU GET THAT PRAISE!  Your Spirit is in me and it is nothing that I do on my own!

Dario preached on why Jesus is God!  He went on to say that many believe that "Jesus" was a good man, they just don't believe that He is God.  And, that it is not for us to "try" to convince or force them to believe otherwise.  My Lord, my heart is so heavy laden with those who reject you and will have much regret on the day of judgement wishing that they had believed.

THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME AND MY FAMILY! Thank You for changing my mindset and then changing my life.  I was a prisoner in my mind and the things that I believed about myself and others were simply not #truth!  I am free.

Eternally yours