Tuesday, February 18, 2014

You don't hold it against me...

My Lord,

I love you.

Thank you for yesterday's grace and yesterday's rest.

I was looking forward to "yoga."  Well sort of...

I love being in your house and with my sisters, but my body doesn't like "all that" twisting and turning. Lol

The class was cancelled and yes, I did a little happy dance in my heart. 
"Hey, I'm just being honest."

I fixed a yummy grilled chicken salad.  I sat on the sofa and looked out on the Bay.  Yep!  I still live in North Beach...happy dance again :-)

Afterward, I gathered all my tools...NLT bible, Jesus Calling, Unexpected Love and my pen...

It was about 4:40 pm and as I was praying for ________ and her sons, I went to the back of the bible under the R's. 

I began to pray rebellion, repentence, redeemer, restoration, reconciliation....
And before I knew it, I woke up at 9:30 pm to use the potty.  I had no idea that I had fallen asleep.

I love that when I'm praying, my thoughts often wonder, I can fall asleep and I can even be a busy body and You, Father, you hold none of that against me.

I love you and I thank you.

Thank you for the conversation that I had with Missy yesterday too.  We are so excited about this upcoming adventure with you.  I trust and #believe that you are going to show us something about ourselves and about You.

Thank you for the success that you gave Susie in her journey to find_____________.  Thank you for the prayers that were answered.

Prayer request: Unspoken Anna, unspoken Yetta, unspoken Ruth, healing for Hope, healing for Rosa, unspoken Neicy, unspoken Tina, Marty-health, Alex-travel mercies, T and the girls-protection and continued grace, wisdom, discernment and purpose, for Melanie, and for Robin.

Also for my parents...health and wisdom, protection and new mercies.

Thank you for hearing me!  In Jesus' precious name. Amen

Eternally yours