Monday, February 17, 2014

Grateful Happy Me

My Lord,

Thank you.

I just love saying that. Lol

There are so many things to thank you for and even though I don't write in my gratitude journal every day, in my heart I'm thanking you.  My writing hand is not too happy with me these days.  I've been writing so much since the past holiday.  I wrote over 70 prayers for the kids and Melanie on an index card and not to mention all those Christmas cards that I sent out.  Not only that, Summer and I have this new ongoing journal exchange.  Who knew that a 5 year old would want to be my BFF?! And now, to be only 8, she sure can write. Lol

And then, I just finished my dad's journal and that was about 25 days.  It was supposed to be a Valentine gift of 30 days of love and "stuff" but I skipped about 3 days.  He still loved it.  And then....there's my bible study homework and writing notes from Church sermons and Dr. Stanley's sermons.

Father, please sustain my right hand.  I just love to write and I didn't even mention the poems and short stories.  (Speaking of short stories, I wrote another one.  Inspired by Audrey, a young girl I met in our free yoga class)  Super excited!!!  I just love you for gifting me with such a unique gift.  I used to wish that I could sing, dance and cook.  So not anymore. Lol

What you have for me, is for me alone and I am forever grateful for being me. #Finally.  Loving me for being fearfully and wonderfully me!  Only by your grace and like Pastor Wagner said in Church on Sunday, thank you for giving me the *will* to follow your will.  I do not take your love for granted and nor do I assume that I've got this "Christian" walk under control.  Another thing that he said that was so profound was that after Salvation, we still have to make the decision each and every day to follow you.  So yes, today, I'm still committed to following you!

Lord, it is my wholehearted prayer that tomorrow, I'll feel the exact same! In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Prayer request: Wayne, Melissa, Marty, Donna P., Dotty, travel mercies for Janet and Jay, Jackie's parents when they decide to head home as well as Ruth and her family.  And, as always, wisdom, protection and provisions for my kids and gran-girls.

Father, I received a special book from Davey [unexpected love] and I was so stuck on the first few pages.  I love when I discover things about myself as I journey with you.  Last night I had an #epiphany that for the first time in my life, I'm in love and it does not involve sex, being someone I'm not or having to please others.  I can just me.  I love that last worth repeating...Loving you has freed me to just be me!

Eternally yours