Thursday, February 20, 2014

Mini Hiatus

My Lord,


Yesterday was awesome.  The decision to stay home...the praying, listening, writing, tears, blessings and revelations that came about was just what I needed.  Lord, I was missing you and yesterday, YOU filled up my love tank.

We started with the sun-gift that you gift me with each and every day.  Then we said some prayers.  Afterwards we listened to Family Life Today:  Epiphany...a woman shared her testimony and it was as if a light switch turned on for me.  Her people pleasing was (actucally self protection). Similar to me, she thought that she was protecting the feelings of others, but in fact she was protecting herself from past wounds and was completely unaware until you revealed it to her and to me!

Next, we listened to Dr. him.  There are only two kingdoms: The Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Heaven. With or without all the "things" that I have, none of it matters to me as much as a personal relationship with you and nothing can separate me from having an eternal resting place.  The world cannot give me the peace, comfort and assurance that I have being your daughter.

Then I had to pause and write you a love letter. Here is a portion of it...

Then I listened to John MacArthur's sermon on "How Do We Know The Bible Is Real?"  Awesome...took two pages of notes and wrote down tons of scriptures to refer back to and also to compare to the Holy Bible.  It was so enlightening and so profound.  It would make a great study for new believers...and for the lost!

My Lord, after that...I began to read, "Unexpected Love...." and then I began to weep.  I was looking for something else and happened upon John 17:4 and burst into tears as I read it aloud.  "I brought glory to you here on earth by "completing" the work you gave me to do.  NOW, Father, bring me into the glory we shared before the world began!"

I cried!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was so exhausted, I took a break and stopped by the church.  I gave Thea and hug and bought some Girl Scout cookies from Jackie #2!  Love, love, love my church and church family!

Went back to the bible when I got back....oops....forgot, I took a nap. Lol

When I woke up, I went to the den and read Jesus Calling:, the message was about being in the midst of "life" and needing to "break away" and be with you!  I cried again.

(Father, when I say "we" I mean you and I)
And because you are so faithful and so on time, we ended the day with a devotion from my new favorite book, "Moments of Peace in the Presence of God." I read Matthew 5:37 and how appropriate....Let your "Yes" be "Yes!" (paraphrase....) as Melissa and I are about to take a 40 day juicing fast.  Lord, help to me stay committed to it as I have promised her and myself that I would!

Lastly. Bible study was so awesome.  The study on Isaiah makes me want to just lay at your feet and be with you.  I love how you love, care for and protect your beloved children.

Thank you for the yummy fellowship with Jackie, Melissa, Ruth, Gina and Debbie.

Prayer request: Melanie, J., L., K., and Sandy!  Thank you in advance, Lord Jesus!

All my love is for you!

Eternally yours