Sunday, February 23, 2014

Another Awesome 4 Days!

My Lord,

Thank you #again!

I love you!  But, this you already know. Lol

Thursday night bible study with the women and Gideon was awesome!  So powerful and thought provoking.  In the end, this will be such an awesome tool to refer back to.  Not only that, an awesome tool to use as a guide concerning my fears when we began this fears today and how I pray that with you and my desire to surrender and lack of fears in the future!  YES!......I see the VICTORY! In Jesus' precious name. Amen!

Friday, the weather was weird, but oh so amazing to see you at work.  It was foggy and then rain and thunder.  Then clear and then more rain.  Later, an awesome, and I mean awesome RAINBOW and then ending in Pink Love!

The grand finale' was the surprise dinner date that I had with Kathy.  SO yummy and so much fun.  We always, and I mean always laugh out loud!  The food was a 9.5 and the company was a #10!  The dessert is a whole story in and of itself. the charts.  NEVER met a brownie sundae that I didn't like!

Saturday was super amazing and so had your hands all over it.  A brief "time of fellowship" with T and the girls.  She was on her way to the store and kicked me out. Lol
We literally had praise and worship and bible study in the parking lot.  The girls were listening and getting spiritually fed by their God fearing Grandma! Lol

(Father, I so trust in you to protective, cover and guide their little hearts and minds! Truly I do!!!)

Afterwards, I was literally on "E".  I'm so stubborn and could have gotten gas in Forestville or Wayson's Corner.  But no...I had to push the button and drive and pray on an empty tank of gas.  All because I wanted to go to Dunkirk and get gas and food.  "Still working on my control issues." Lol

BUT my oh my did it pay off this time.  I met "Susan" as I was getting ready to pick up a cucumber.  She made a comment about the lettuce and I told her about the amount of juice that it produces when you put it in the blender.  That was all she wrote.  She and I began talking about "Juicing and Jesus!"  That was #all You God. ALL YOU!

Yes, I made a new friend and found out that I have #another sister.  I'm the most blessed person I many relatives, it's insane. Lol

Later, I went to Markie's 13th (boy-girl) birthday party.  The music was so loud and so annoying...but it was not my party. :-)  And boy oh boy did he have a wonderful time! Me, on the other hand, I so delighted in the cupcakes! Lol

Thank you for an awesome time of fellowship with Kim, Marty, Holly, Dad and Shawn.  Thank you that Mark is making an effort to be there for his kids.  With you, Father, it is possible!

And today....Church was awesome!  Title: "God and Our Circumstances!"
The Pastor said so many profound things that I cannot wait to go deeper into your word with you and take more self reflecting notes later this week.

We simply cannot do anything in our own strength. "NOTHING!"
However in these are with us to coach, comfort, guide, teach, encourage and discipline.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Galatians 5:17
2 Corinthians 2:7-9
*All because you died on the cross and kept your promise to send the Holy Spirit!

OH How I Love YOU!

Praise and a thank yous!  Lord, sweet Gina gifted me with a series of CD's about how the Jewish Culture view and study the word of God.  I have not stopped crying since I put it in my CD player.  While I am driving, I keep putting it on pause, self reflecting and crying.  IT is one of the most profound studies I've ever heard.  I cannot even imagine being to attend a program where I am studying the bible in that type of context.  He is SO PASSIONATE, you can hear it without a doubt!  It is piercing to the heart indeed!  So convicting and self reflecting about what I think I know about your word verses what I actually do not!

Also, I prayed last night that Beth would come to church this morning and after I finished greeting and hugging everyone, she walked up to me.  I grabbed her and cried!  So delightful, so on time YOU are!
Thank you!

Eternally yours