Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Oh how I love you

My Lord,

I love you and I thank you.

When I think about how you've completely changed my life...I still cry.

I am so grateful for you discernment.  My ears are attentive and Father, I am paying attention.

Thank you so much for saving me and pulling me into your loving faithful arms and away for the strongholds of the evil one.  Lord God, I lift up those to you that do not know you and even more so the ones who do but are choosing not to walk in your ways.

It is such a devil's playground for those who are not reading your word, not desiring a relationship with you and not asking the Holy Spirit to show them the way in which they should go.  Going astray is not only scary, it is dangerous.

I keep listening to Gina's "Jewish Understanding Of The Bible" series and I cannot listen without weeping.  We, here in today's culture truly have no idea....

Our society is still on the fence at times when it comes to obeying you and praying faithfully.  Lord, please keep me close to you and discipline me, love on me, guide me, teach me, console me, use me, mold me and have your way in my life...especially when I'm resistant.  I want to know the desert David spoke of when he saw your face.

I heard this question yesterday and I immediately took my mind to that season of my life.  And strangely had nothing to do with money.  The one thing that I thought controlled me.

Personal Question For Reflection:  "When did you sense the intense presence of God?"

Father, you and I know when that was and how you comforted me, changed me and gave me so much more that I never knew possible.  All by praying, surrendering, trusting, waiting and believing!

All my love - all the time

(Lord, it's almost time for our Juice Journey.  [The world is so quick to judge and so quick to say, "I can't and you can't..."not you Father, but the individual can't]  Show them how BIG you are and how small their beliefs are. Please life up all (11) of us as we begin to mentally prepare ourselves.  Help us to to it for you and help us to open up our palms for things that we tend to hold tight to because we "believe" that we can't let go of.  Help me to be strong and encouraging...specifically, in the first few days where the headaches may become intense.  Father, I need you to walk with me to keep a commitment that I've made to better honor your temple.  Lord, carry us into VICTORY!  In Jesus' precious name. Amen!)

Prayers for Dad, T, Missy, Susan, Latoya, Emmie, Juanita B., Rosslyn, Kim and Casey! 

Eternally yours