Wednesday, February 12, 2014

When I Need It

My Lord,

You truly meet my every need.  I look back on my previous life (before you) and cannot help but compare it to my new life (with you) and my oh my....i still weep about "that" girl.  She was so lost, so alone and so desperate to find self.  Not having a clue that it would be found in your loving arms.

That is the sole reason why I'm so ardent about your word!

Thank you for all the love yesterday...the peace, the rest and the clarity.  I love you more than words.

Thank you for the peace you've given to my baby sister and thank you for the amazing things that you're doing in her life.  Thank you for the peace you've given to my big sister and the amazing things you're planning for her future.  Day by day, she is learning to trust in you.

Thank you for the unseen things that you are planning for my children and my grandchildren.  Lord, I had the realization while writing in my journal this past weekend that YOU are the first person I ever put my whole trust in. 

For reasons unknown to me at the time; in every relationship that I encountered/experienced I was withholding pieces of myself.  I guess that lost and wounded little girl from around 2-3 years of age was in self protection mode because of abandonment issues.

Either, she is free and fluttering throughout the universe so in love and so full of joy.  Your gift on the cross is something I still can't wrap my brain around, but it is still something that I see in my mind's eye every time I read your word.  You love and accept me and you always have.

That last sentence reminds me of today's message on Focus On The Family.  Guess speaker, Ken Davis spoke on "The Good News."  He said that we don't have to prove ourselves to anyone....and we surely do not have to prove ourselves to You!

I wept.

Not only that...I wept because of your amazing moon-gift this morning.  It was..........there were no words.  If I had to describe it.......huge, creamy, fiery, round,

Prayer request:  My Lord, we are expecting a major snow storm.  I pray for continued safety and provisions and peace.  I pray that everyone would not result to an anxious frenzy and just be still in your faithful presence.  I pray that by Friday, things would get back to "normal" as I am planning my Princess Bride Pizza Party. 'So Excited' So, so excited!

Father I also pray for M.  a job interview tomorrow...So, so important!  Last prayer...forgiveness and peace for my little sister-friend S____.

Thank you for bending low to hear me. XO
Eternally yours