Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Grateful and then some...

My Lord,

You are so good to me!

Yesterday was a good day.  Not sure exactly what I was feeling as I drove home, but couldn't quite put it into words.  I had such a yearning to escape with you.  I just wanted to be still...

I so love my little sheep, Casey.  I love getting off work and seeing her sitting on my passenger side just smiling and waiting for me.  I let her ride on my lap as we drove home.

After my yummy salad, I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Ms. Marcia.  It was so good to hear from her and to laugh and talk.  I pray that you will continue to bless and keep her in all her heart's desire.  You, My Lord, know our every need.

Thank you for the free Yoga class.  I love seeing all the ladies and seeing who will show up next.  I missed Kim and Mary Kay last night and was so happy to see Melissa and Claudette.  I was also happy to meet Audrey.  She came with her mom and she loves to write fantasy stories.  I pray that you will bless her gift and allow her to publish many books.  Tonya had a lot of studying and could not be there.  I also pray that you would be with her and give her the assistance and wisdom that she needs. 

Thank you that we got to share apart of Jan's birthday with her by singing, "Happy Birthday!"  And thank you for Linda Rae who does this out of the kindness of her heart and her love for you.

I couldn't wait to get home and take a shower and then dive into your word.  I felt extra needy last night and you surely met my need.  I love when you share something that melts my heart.  I'll never forget when I happened upon Psalm 18:19 a few years back.  I just knew that you wrote that for me and last night, when I read it, it confirmed in my heart once again that my letting go of Waldorf was one of the toughest decisions that I'd ever made, but it was so that you could bring me to a "spacious place..." i.e. North Beach!


Psalm 18:19
He brought me out to a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.

Eternally yours, forever and ever :-)