Saturday, February 1, 2014

Grateful in the little things...

My Lord,

I love you!

Thank you for Wednesday's bible study.  We are in Isaiah and it overwhelmed me when the Pastor talked about your unfailing love.  I wept quietly. 
Your patience, favor and unconditional love for me in my sin and in all those years of darkness...You were never mad at me.

Thank you for the training that I passed.  Yay!  Only 3 more times and I'll be a civilian!!!! Cartwheels. Lol

Thank you for Thursday night's bible study.  I love Gideon and the amazing presence and power you displayed through him.  His story so reminds me of my own insecurities and the way that this new life that I'm living is NOT ME in any way shape or form.  It's ALL YOU My Lord!  I take not one bow but GIVE YOU ALL The GLORY! 

Thank you for Friday's day of rest.  I just loved everything about the entire day.  Sunrise, cream of wheat, Dr. Stanley, Devotions, reading, writing, crying, praying, eating, laughing at myself, reflecting on your goodness, daydreaming about stuff, sitting in my ginormous bed looking out at the beach, sitting at my table and reading your word, listening to Smokie Norful in my den by the window.  Hearing "The Least That I Can Do" and bursting into tears when he said, "YOU made me whole."  Watching nightfall arrive and realizing that it's only 5:30 or so and still having the rest of the day with you.  No cell phone, no talking and no distractions....just a glorious day with you.

Father, YOU are way to good to me and I want to remain the apple of your eye.  I need you to hold my hand, correct, guide, instruct, discipline, teach, strengthen, console, lead, prepare, encourage and love on me all the days of my life.  And that's just a start....Lol

There are so many things that I need you for, but you already know that because you are God!

Thank you in advance for all the amazing things you have planned for me, specifically my new__________ and my great job in ____________ after I retire.

Thank you for the blessings that you are preparing for Alex and T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Rock!

Thank you for the amazing work you're doing in the lives of my granddaughters and a gigantic thank you for the day that _________________ will come to know You as his Lord and Savior!

Lord God, thank you for Melanie's blessing.  And, can you please bless Hope in a big way?  She has 4 prayer request and she loves you sooooooooooo much.  I'm BELIEVING that you will do it!!!!

CELEBRATIONS are in order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eternally yours