Sunday, February 2, 2014

Glorious...You Reign!

My Lord,

Thank you for another sun-gift.
Thank you for Church and the awesome time of fellowship and worship.  I love the reflection and quiet time in communion.  Quiet tears fall remembering you.  "Do this in remembrance of me."  Father, how can we not????

You have kept every promise.  Your word is such a testimony to your love and protection of us.  Like Pastor Wagner said, "Your love for us is exstravagant!"

Your gifting me with the beach house is beyond exstravagant!  I would have never dreamt to live there...never!

But your gift to me on the cross is the most amazing, indescribable, unimaginable thing I never expected....never knew.  How sad that I spent all those years before, simply not knowing.

THANK You for waiting for me.

Thank you for Melanie, Jackie, Gina, Dorothy, Claudette, Laura, Mrs. Diana, Wanda, Mary Ann, Martha, Margaret and all of my other Grace Sisters that were in church this morning.

I did not see Debbie, Marlena, Inez, Tonya, Joan, Anna, Nancy, Kara, Julya, Erin and Leslie.  I pray that they will be able to make it to the later service.  :-)

A special thank you that Lois and her parents came.  You Reign!

Praying travel mercies for Jackie #2 as she went to visit her parents this weekend.

Father, I pray a special blessing on Pastor Jay and his congregation as today is the first day of Grace Church of West Shore.  Lord, shine Your Light there!  You can do it because that's what YOU DO!!!

Thank you that I get to worship you and that my heart longs to do so.

I pray that one day Sonny will be able to come to church with me.

Thank you for protecting and providing for Joshua and Sunny, my others sons.

I love you! Truly I do.

Eternally yours