Sunday, February 9, 2014

Being Barnabas

My Lord,

I love that you have me in the palm of your hand.  I have a wealth of resources that assist me in spreading your Good News.  News of Hope, Deliverance, Salvation, Redemption and Forgiveness.  None of this can be done without a heart that is willing.

Father, I am willing:  Here are some prayers and devotions that I have shared that have also encouraged me.  I need you every hour....Most Precious One!

Today's Prayer:
Dear God, My heart is moved today for people who just cannot seem to find their place. They feel lost, empty, out of place, floundering. Some are discouraged; some are depressed; some are anxious; some are hopeful; some are searching; some have given up. I pray that today will be a day of breakthrough for them. I pray that the right job, the right ministry opportunity, the right words, the right whatever it is they need will be there for them today. I pray that you will open doors and lead them through. I pray for encouragement and guidance. I pray for joy, excitement and blessings of the heart and spirit. I pray for contentment, initiative, passion, thankfulness in their attitudes today. May they look to you and receive the gifts you have in store for them. And may you, oh wonderful gracious God, be glorified. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Today's Prayer:
Dear Precious, Loving Father in Heaven, Thank you for your gracious love. Thank you for the love of fellow believers. Please remind us through your spirit that as the body of Christ, we are to encourage and exhort one another. When a brother or sister is down, we should not gossip, condemn, criticize, and "kick" them so to speak. Instead, it is up to us to pray for, pick up the phone or make a visit to show that we care -- in love. Let us ask if they are all right and if we may pray with them. Let us be sincere in reaching out to lift them up. May we be instruments to help draw them to you. And let us not forget even one. Thank you for your mercies. May we also we merciful. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior I pray, amen.

Dear Lord, please work through me and guide me so that I will have the mind of Christ in all I do. Help me, that I will not do anything in the flesh and out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but that I will remain humble and never consider myself better than others. Provide the means and the desire to look after the interests of others as well as my own interests. I pray that I will have a godly attitude in all my actions and decisions, and that your love will flow through me. May I be a blessing to you and to everyone around me. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.
"Philippians 3:2-5"

Today's Prayer:
Heavenly Father, Please show me the right paths you would have me follow. Sometimes, I'm not sure of the direction I should go. I stumble and run into roadblocks. I don't understand why things are not going the way I think they should. Help me to see how these roadblocks and detours are being used to redirect my life. I love you and want to follow you. Thank you for your promise that "all things work together for good to those who love the Lord." Amen. Romans 8:28

Eternally yours