Sunday, January 12, 2014

Your Will Be Done

My Lord,

I prayed that this year that there would be more fellowship and less texting and e-mails.  YOU are indeed a faithful God.

So far, I had face to face fellowship with Jackie, Melanie, Thea, Lauren, Charmaine and Kim.  Father, it felt so good and so right.  Technology is an awesome tool to get your word out, to encourage and to say a quick hello...thinking of you...praying for you...BUT, "NOTHING" compares to a real live hug, tears, laughter, sharing, revealing, praying and rejoicing. NOTHING.

Not only that, but I was the first one to host our small group bible study.  We met on Friday and it was awesome.  This time the study was intense as we are discussing the Afterlife.  Lord, the moment I first believed, I knew with certainty that I was going to heaven.  I've never felt that assurace in the past, (before) my Salvation.  I believe every word that you breathed into the Bible and nothing Man can say will change my eternal destiny.  Thank you for placing me in the group that I'm in and knowing in advance that I would be a good fit for them as they are for me.  I love how you know me and how you care for my heart!!!

That's what I want more of...fellowship and more of YOU!  I have been told by so many that I have a light, a fire, a heart for you...Lord, the only reason why that's true is because I LOVE YOU with my whole heart.  I want more of you and I want to never tire from reading your word.  I want to always be a study of the bible and I want to always be available to you.  I long to serve you but most importantly, I want my life to be reflective of what you've placed in me.  YOUR Spirit lives in me, something I didn't think I deserved but have learned to embrace because your word says that I'm a new creation and therefore, you are not dwelling in that person I used to be.  That space was not fit for you to dwell in and because I asked you to be the Lord of my life, you cleansed my insides and made a new dwelling place.  You gutted out my past sins and the place you now live is worthy.  I am Worthy....something I was never told and something I probably would not have believed from the voice of man.  But You Lord God, when you say that I am worthy and that I am Your Princess Bride, I BELIEVE!

Father, I am super excited.  I spoke to ___________ this morning and next month, we begin our new ministry and I'm overjoyed at how you're going to use me.  I would have never thought such a thing and the Pastor was so right this morning, I do nothing in my own flesh, nothing on my own...ALL things are done through you and with you.  I am a child of the devil when I take credit, when I boast, when I deny your Grace and your Glory.  This life that I'm living, enjoying, blossoming in, rejoicing, helping, serving, expecting, fluttering, encouraging, submitting to....all these things and so much more are because I have "chosen" to surrender and submit to you.  I still at times, want my way...BUT overall, YOU are the Head of my household and the one that holds my heart.  I want to live a life pleasing to you and I want full discipline and accountability when I stray from your commands.

PLEASE show you love for me by being my judge and master.

In Jesus precious name. Amen.

Eternally yours