Thursday, January 9, 2014


My Lord,

It was kind of warm this morning...28 degrees :-)
Thank you!

I was so tired yesterday and kept thinking about skipping bible study.  I didn't and I thank you.  Thank you for my special fellowship with Tanya.  Thank you for gifting her with another birthday.  I will never forget her awesome words of encouragement to me as I was walking to my car.  She was thanking you that you sent me, "a god fearing woman" into her life to encourage her.


Thank you for our Wednesday night church dinners.  It is so awesome to meet, greet, talk, laugh and eat!  Super Priceless!

Thank you for Julya's testimony and the awesome courage to share it!  Thank you for bringing her to Grace!  She is a warrior!

Thank you that next week, I get to do the same...share with the teens about what you've done in my life.  I pray for me as I did for her, that they would be your words and not mine. 

Father, thank you for the hugs from Renee, Betty, Bridgett, Donna, and others.  Thank you for all the love! I was leaving church last night after talking with Jackie, Melissa, Gina, Melanie, Pastor and so many more and my heart was so full.  I was thinking as I was walking to my car that so many people are truly missing out on your LOVE.  Yes, the church is "just" a building, but the believers inside and out are your beloved children and we love you and one another.  I've never, ever experienced such an overwhelming feeling.  I want "this" Joy for everyone!!!

Prayer request:  Father, I thank you for my baby sister and her determination to plan our sister's trip!  But My Lord, please give her wisdom, grace and discernment in the "thing" that's heavy on her heart.  Please give her clear guidance and let your name be Glorified.  In Jesus name. Amen.

PS. Thank you that my niece, Sierra is still "encouraged" and thank you that my daughter has the day off and is home reading Corithians. ;-)

Eternally yours