Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I'm Trying

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you.  I did not want to go to yoga last night, but I promised Melissa.  I saw Tonya (great surprise) and I met a woman names LuAnn who remembered me from Linda's Boundary Bible Study.  She smiled so wide and was excited to see me.  She remembered my name.  It was such a warm feeling.

The Yoga was awesome, peaceful and oh so relaxing.  My body didn't like it, but boy-oh-boy does she need it.  I'm trying Lord.  I'm trying to cook more, eat out less and eat with intention and not just because "it's there."  Specifically, brownies and other sugary things...

Melissa and I discussed how we've got to get into taking better care of ourselves and we are encouraging one another.  Lord, I love that word.  I also love have accountability partners. 

Father, I also got to see, hug and talk with Ruth.  Lord, she loves you just as much as I do and we have a sisterhood that seems to have always been there.  I love it. I also saw Jackie #2 (My happy place)!

Father, all of my Christian sisters love on me so much and I cannot thank you enough for the work you've done in my life.  I remember when I was quite content with two friends and four sisters...none of us being saved but still we cared for and loved one another.  And when I think back, there were no prayers. 

Knowing you now gives my heart such joy that I can pray for my family and friendships.  Praying specifically for health, finances, careers, marriages, children, emotional, struggles, sorrows, dreams, purpose and Salvation.

Lord, I love you and I will never stop being the disciple you've called me to be.  Everyday, I think of you and my life and the life I once led without you.  I was talking with T and we were both saying that one day, we hope to meet the Angels that were praying for us as we lived and walked in the darkness.  Someone had to have seen us, felt sorry for us and took it to you in prayer.  We laugh at ourselves and we PRAISE YOUR MIGHTY Name for Deliverance.

Looking forward to a great day....to finish my Gideon homework and to begin writing in my ________ journal so that it can be ready for Valentine's Day. When it is received, I'm quite certain that ___________will be overjoyed and smiling so wide. Lol

I also have to mail Summer's journal.  I know she's super excited to get it and fill it out for the new year.  I prayed this before, but Lord, I need you to keep my writing hand healthy so that I can correspond with all these people.  Also so that I can write love letters and poems to you!! In Jesus' name. Amen.

PS. Yesterday, I told most of my close friends and family about Joshua and it was an overwhelming and loving response.  Father, YOU ROCK!!!

Eternally yours