Thursday, January 16, 2014

All The Praise To YOU!

My Lord,
My Lover,
My Jesus,
My Friend,
My Redeemer,
My Rock,
My Savior,

Lord, I'd been praying, Ruth prayed, Julya prayed, Anna prayed, Pastor prayed and many others.  Thank you for being everywhere and helping everyone and then those isolated moments when you are just with me.

Last night I was super excited and super nervous.  I was given the opportunity to speak with the teens and share my testimony.  God you know how much I love you.  I love to share my story talking about how you have taken complete hold of my heart, my hand and my life and together, and how we have soared to heights unimaginable in my {mind}.  [Something you already knew who occur.]

It was fun and comfortable and informative and ALL YOU!  I'm sure I left out a lot of details, due to Pastor Matt giving me a time constraint.  I told him that I'd love to come back and talk some more...Lol
Go figure...the shy, insecure little lost girl wants to come back and talk some more.  Only You My Lord :-)

Not only that, we just began a six week study in the book of Isaiah.  I'm super excited to dig in.  Pastor Wagner says that we are going to do an overview because the book is so long, so we're getting some of the major highlights before we dig into chapter 40 and beyond.

Father, again and again I cannot thank you ENOUGH for the Church family that you've given me, the love and affection, the preaching and teaching, the music ministry, the ________ that I'm starting with_________ and all the other amazing things that you have planned.  This is surely your Spirit living inside of me and nothing I've done to deserve your overwhelming grace.

Proof of the work you're still doing in me was the conversation I had yesterday with L_____ mom's.  It was so unexpected, intense and so long.  It was all about you....surely not about me or even her current and temporary circumstances.... 

Every time that she said, "I just can't......" I reassured her that YOU CAN!  I told her about your plan of Salvation and how she could pack up all of her baggage and bring it to the cross.  I told her that she would feel as light as a feather and it would be no looking back.  I told her that today, she can have a brand new start and that You are a loving and gentle and compassionate God and that you don't hold things over our heads and you don't remind us of who we used to be.

[Thank you again for REDEEMING Me] I used to be similar to her and couldn't have imagine being the woman I am today. A woman of God and your princess bride.  Yes!  You Reign! 

YOUR love is unlike any love any person in the flesh can give.  You hung on that cross for us and we have got to tell others that it was not for any one person but for EVERYONE.  It is finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord, here I am to I am to say that You are my God!  Yep, Isaiah 6:8 is still my prayer, "Here I Am Lord, Send Me!"

Father, I want to say special "thank you" because I was talking w/Pastor Matt and getting ready to leave for the night...then we began talking about the 5 love languages and the "wind" blew on us because someone had opened the door!  ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE.  Absolutely YOU!  Lord, You Rock!!!!!

PS....The special sister in Christ that I've been praying for came to bible study last night!  PRAISE TO YOU LORD!  All your Glory and all things that you've known since the beginning .....way before Genesis.

Eternally yours