Thursday, December 19, 2013


My Lord,

I love you and I am so grateful that you've changed my heart over the years.  I never sought wisdom in the past.  Before coming to Christ, I was living day by day..."in my mind" the best that I knew how.  I was trying to survive and provide for my children.

As I am continually growing in your word and in my church, I love the amazing insights, truth and wisdom that I'm storing in my heart and in my head.  Your promises and prophecies are so amazing to me...especially the Promise to Abraham and the Prophecy in Isaiah 7:14....

(Love the 7/14 because it's my birthday) BUT I love it moreso because you sent your Son Jesus just like you said that you would!!!!!!!

I will forever seek your will and your wisdom...and speaking of "that" last night's bible study was profound and confusing at the same time...but with the Pastor's teaching and your Holy Spirit, I am gradually coming to understand over time.  I know that Your coming is unknown to all and I know that I'm going to be at home in your Kingdom, but I would like more time to study, ground myself and KNOW that I know!  (And more time for the Saving of more Souls...)

On another note:  Yesterday you completely orchestrated my morning and it led me to the greeting card store where I bumped into an old friend...what was the reasoning behind that Lord?  Please reveal that to me over time because he surely thinks "I'm the one..."  What do you think??!?!

Patiently waiting to hear...

PS.  God I totally went over budget for this Christmas season.  Thank you for your provisions in my life and please help me to stay on budget next year :-)

All my love,
Your Princess Bride

Eternally yours