Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thank YOU! I'll never stop....

My Lord,

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday!
Thank you for yesterday's grace.  Over the past couple of days, I've gotten a lot of stuff done from my to-do list.  Thank you that each time I went to the post office, there was no one in line.  Shawn and I are becoming friends.  He's a nice guy.  I told him that I wanted his job when I retired....he said that all the hard work was in the back, sorting mail.  I changed my mind. Lol

Thank you for your gift of TIME!  Yesterday was a nice long and slow day.  I love when I get to do my stuff and still have time to do your stuff.  Of course, it is my heart's desire, to always DO your stuff!  I am getting the most use of this "writing hand" you've gifted me with....writing out of 45 prayers so far...and the journey continues.

Thank you for helping my sister accomplish what she intended and giving her your peace.  I thank you especially for her courage, wisdom and charcater building traits...Lord, you are surely working in her life.

Thank you for my many, many friendships...I've sent out so many Christmas Cards and I'm still not done.  I love greeting cards and this time of year, I do get a bit crazed. Lol

Thank you for helping me to find my check book so that I can write my tithe check and pay my water bill.  Thank you that I went to the ATM and I have a savings account.  "GRACE, FAVOR and MERCY!  All your gift to me!  Nothing I've done to deserve it!!!!

Thank you that my friend is in mourning, but I heard her laugh out loud yesterday during a conversation.  You Father, YOU comfort in ways we'll never understand.  I embrace all your goodness and I wholeheartedly trust you.

Thank you that my car starts, the brakes are working and the car payments are affordable.  Thank you for watching over my children as they travel about their day.  Thank you for blessings my gran-girls with wisdom and a love to be "like you."  Thank you that they know your word.

Thank you that I have a job.  I have made a difference in the lives of others. I am not ashamed of the Gospel and everyone who knows me, knows that :-)

Thank you that others ask me to pray on their behalf...and Father, thank you that you hear and answer.

A special prayer request for Dad's health, Eggleston family (mourning), Julya's mom (health), Melanie's family (travel), Sandi (health), Caroly (health), Kara, Nancy, Nancy, Dana, Angie, Barbara, Tanya, Joan, Sal, Beth, Thea, Bridgett (health), Marriages, Singles, today's youth and countless others.  In Jesus' precious name.

I love you!

Thank you for love me FIRST and for the rest of my life.  Your word says that nothing can separate me from your love!  I believe it! Romans 8:38-39

Eternally yours