Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thank You

My Lord,

Thank you.

Yesterday felt so relaxed.  After I dropped off Ruth's gift to her, I went by the post office to mail my secret sister's gift and then, I stopped by to see Marlene.  She and her husband are such a sweet and kind couple.  They offered to sell my books in their store.  It still amazes me that I am an author.  Thank you.  I'll never forget when Kathy sold them in "Sister's Corner."  It was so cool to walk into her store and see them right there in the front.

Dotty just sent me an e-mail, she purchased one on line.  I'm so thrilled that people are enjoying my words, your gift.  I say it's your gift...because without your grace and special gift of writing through me...I would not be an author...I'd still be a little girl writing in her diary :-)

Father, I want to thank you for yesterday's rest.  It was such a long and quiet evening.  After my nap, you allowed me to finish my prayer cards, wrap some small gifts, write out some Christmas cards and have a simple dinner.  I listened to Anthony Evans sing praises to you....and before turning in, I got to listen to my sister's concerned heart. 

Lord, I lift her up to prayer to you.  I pray that last night you gave her a restful sleep and that this morning, she will trust in your grace...seek your wisdom and resolve this "thing" that's heavy on her heart.

I love and trust that you will!

In Jesus' name....Father, thank you for hearing me.

Eternally yours