Monday, December 16, 2013

Completely Exhausted...

My Lord,

Thank you for an awesome weekend.  Starting on Thursday where I got to shop on duty with the kids.  The department selected over 100 kids who have done great in school and allowed them to go shopping with Target and Wal-mart.  All those happy faces...PRICELESS...[Thank you for the fellowship with Gloria and what you're doing in her life and for the fellowship with Shantey]

Then I ran tons of errands and ended in small group....Love fellowship with my group.  The study was awesome.  We started a new study, "The Afterlife."  It was so interesting and so engaging...thought provoking and has caused me to go deeper with my children.  Thank you for that My Lord.

Then...I had to wrap tons of gifts, bible study, and headed to Waldorf.  The Whitley kids were in a church musical and it was so much fun.  All those kids praising you.  PRICELESS!
 [Thank you for the fellowship I got to share w/Christy, she is so happy with her new church and what you're doing in her life]

(A special thank you for the grace and favor you showed to JACKIE!  We Praise YOUR name)

Later, we had our church musical....all those saints, PRAISING YOU!  Priceless!!! I am so blessed by my church family.  We so love, honor and worship you.  Thank you My Lord. was awesome.  The message..."Who Me?"  Referencing Mary and your ability to choose anyone of us if we "live and walk in your righteousness..." but you're ability to use us even if we fall short.
Thank you for using me (EVEN WHEN) I fall short.

Then...we went to see Miracle On 34th Street; the musical.  It was so much fun.  The food and fellowship was super yummy.  I love being able to go deeper with my sisters and brothers in Christ aside from just exchanging brief "greetings" on Sundays.

Lord, you are so faithful to me and my life.  I was crying this weekend. In the midst of my busyness, you were there.  I read Psalm 23 all weekend and your promises are still true and your word still comforts me.  Your TRUTH hugs my heart and I can never, ever express my gratitude for those hugs.  I've been in love before, I've been embraced before and I've been loved...BUT nothing and no one compares to the LOVE you bestow upon me and I know with everything that I am, no one ever will.

I am yours and YOU are mine!

Eternally yours