Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Quiet Tears

My Lord,

Good morning.  Thank you for yesterday.  Thank you for my car repairs and the money to have the work done.  Thank you for the ability to talk with you in the car, in the waiting room, in the bathroom, in the store, while standing in line, and specifically for hearing me when I ramble on. 

Thank you for revealing yourself in me through Psalm 23.  I am on day 10 and I am so loving this journey.  Thank you for Dr. Stanley's inspiration when he encouraged me to journey through Psalm 1.  I think that I will continue this "theme" for quite sometime.  I'm excited to see what we'll study next.  And when I say we...T, Angie, Diane and others have joined in.  I don't know how many more will be affected, but Lord, you have the power to do great things.  Please continue using me in any way that will enhance your Kingdom.

And speaking of using me...I cried this morning.  I was praying to you as I was listening to a sermon about "strong willed women."  I still have control issues and I am continuing to work on those. [I need your help] I am still longing and desiring to be an awesome woman of God and I don't want to hold onto anything that will keep me from wholeheartedly serving you.  I want be disciplined by you because your word clearly states that you discipline those you LOVE!

I don't want to take credit for anything that you've done, I don't want to be the judge, I don't want to criticize, I don't want to have my way when it's clearly not your will and I don't want to interfere in the lives of others or [myself] when it comes to things that are of no concern to me.  You have that covered.  You know what's best for me and I don't want to take charge in planning, organizing, arranging or assisting you when YOU've done just fine without me.

Keep my eyes, mind and heart open to you and please don't allow the world to influence me, please don't allow the evil one to cross my path, please don't allow sin to overrule in any area of my life and please don't allow me to become complacent.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Eternally yours