Monday, December 23, 2013

Broken Relationships

My Lord,

Please help us.  We are a feeling based society.  If it doesn't feel good to "me" then I don't want to do it.  If it "feels" good, then I'm all for it!

Satan is having "his way" in our relationships.  We are mad, angry, resentful, envious, petty, bitter, jealous, misunderstood, and assuming...

Too many of our relationships are crushed, broken and left by the wayside because we have not gotten past our feelings.  The misconception, the rumors, the uncomfortableness and the hurt...we are allowing the enemy to put up walls and the keep the love as far away as possible.  The mending and forgiveness cannot begin if someone...anyone refuses to take a first step.

Yes, it's hard and (so much easier) to point fingers, make accusations and take a "stand."  But letting love in is so rewarding and such a BIG part of your Gospel.  We preach it and teach it but we can fail to practice it.  It starts at the heart and when that is bruised, burden and taken for granted, we shut down and shut people out.  We are oftentimes more forgiving to strangers and associates than to our own family members.

Lord, please help me to see any offensive way in me and help me to begin my own restoration.  Also, I pray for my family, sisters, children, cousins, coworkers, church family, neighbors, community, Our Nation, and anyone else who has hidden hurts or past offenses that have yet to be healed and is in need restoration.

Father, place in us a clean spirit and a heart like yours.  Help us to live out your most profound and second love our neighbor as we would love ourselves.  Help us to take the first step toward building a bridge toward one another before it's too late. 

Our society often meets at funerals where many things were never said...and your word says that we don't know the day nor the hour in which you will return to earth...Please, Lord, let us begin today to love like you.

Eternally yours