Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Ending...

My Lord,

Today wrapped up our 31 weeks of reading "The Story."  We began in January and the entire church took a journey through your story-from Genesis to Revelation.  Minus the summer break, it was an awesome and eye opening experience.  We saw things we'd never seen and heard things that we'd never heard.  We can oftentimes gloss of your word with specific intentions to personalize it and tailor it to our "circumstances" and in doing so...we misinterpret and also get stuck in the whys...

God you are an all consuming awesome, loving, gentle, forgiving and sovereign GOD and you have not changed since the beginning. Your one goal / purpose was to have a relationship with us.  All we have to do is "choose" to do the same.  We are a society consumed with choices and it is indeed overwhelming at times to say the least...Having chosen to BELIEVE you as the Father, Friend, Lover, Creator and Comforter is one choice I'm glad to have made.

Revelation made me cry this home and at church.  I will see your face and my kids and gran-girls have their name in your book.  Yes, My Lord, that brings me to tears.  Even more so, the fact that people will have missed their opportunity to connect with you on a personal level...not knowing you or your love for that completely overwhelms my heart and causes me great mourning.

YOUR love is available to everyone and it is a peace that I cannot understand, explain or write is just a feeling that dwells inside of me and carries me day by day through my life's journey.  I believe in YOU and I trust you with all that I am.  No, I don't completely understand the trinity and the thought of eternal life with all the believers, but I CHOOSE to follow your will knowing that I will be with you when all of this pain and suffering ends.

WHAT reason could I possibly have to want to stay here and not come home?  What pleasure could I possible want to enjoy outside of your will that would knowingly lead me into the Lake of Fire? 

Father, I am in no way perfect and with each breath that I take, I need your wisdom, guidance and assurance.  I would surely drift back to being my old, lost and pitiful self without you.  I don't want to be her and I never want to go back there.

Keep me as the apple of your eye and allow your light to shine on me until the day I die. In Jesus' precious name. Amen!

Eternally yours