Monday, November 25, 2013

My Prayer...

My Lord,

I never wanted to be one of those people who kept up with society as far as that "techie" stuff.  The electronics, the gadgets and all that stuff that distracts us and makes being still difficult...BUT, I have somehow joined in...and it's all good.

I love the iphone and the ipod and the ipad and I thank you for allowing me to purchase all three. (Not at the same time of course.)

I use the ipod to record sermons at church and sermons on the radio and most importantly, my conversations to you!  LOVE IT!

I use the iphone to listen to the audio bible, to read my bible app and to send out my daily Barnabas texts Mon-Fri.  I never knew that you would use me in this profound way.  LOVE IT! (PS...I also get to text my cool is that?!)

I use my ipad to take notes and write poems.  BUT most importantly to take LOTS of photos of your glorious sunrise, sunsets, clouds, rainbows, birds, butterflies, leaves, mountains, lightening bolts, thunderstorms and I could go on and on, but you kind of get it. Lol...LOVE IT!

I've blessed so many with your awesome paintings in the sky.  The most blessed by all of this is me.  I still can't remember where my head was, let alone my eyes when all these things existed in my past.  It was nothing but the devil keeping me from looking up to you.  All those years of looking down and I never paid attention to the Monarch.  How sad?

BUT...that was then and this is now.  I only wished that I had unlimited storage on these apple products so that I can forever share all that you reveal to me to anyone and everyone. Lol

I love you.

Oh....almost forgot about my prayer request:

Father, my weaknesses continue to show me where my help comes from. Please help me to down play my strengths when my pride attempts to outshine your Glory! In Jesus' name. Amen!

Eternally yours