Wednesday, November 27, 2013


My Lord,

I was thinking about the many, many conversations I've had lately and how you are always in the midst of them.  Even when we get caught up with our thought, feelings and emotions...YOU are there!

Last Friday, Angie called me first thing in the morning to thank me for being apart of her life.  She thanked me for the encouragement and the love and for the fellowship.  I burst into tears. This conversation would not have occurred had you not taken her mom home with you and had I not been saved.  Thank YOU!

Later that day, Melanie called to chit chat...not sure what the beginning of the conversation entailed, but towards the end...I shared something with her and she prayed for me over the phone.  I cried.  That conversation would not have taken placed if you had not saved me.  Thank YOU!

On Monday, I had to run an errand and Alicia was on my heart.  I went to see her and we talked for about 30 minutes or so...but the fellowship was so intense and so awesome.  We PRAISED you and we cried and we laughed.  We also talked about your goodness and how we both used to be afraid of death...we talked about our divorces and how you are preparing a Godly man for the both of us.  Father we love and trust you and we are being patient.  We are daughters of the King and we will not settle.  Lord, I pray that you would grant her heart's desire.  Father, when it comes to those "I LOVE" it is my prayer that you would meet all their needs according to your will.  My needs have ALL been met by you and yes, I long to be married (when your timing allows) but My Lord, I would trade my heart's desire if it meant meeting any of theirs...and THIS I know, would not have occurred, had you not saved me!  "THANK YOU!"

Later that day, I met with T.  I dropped off some food and of course, we always talk about you.  We talked for over an hour about a lot of things.  She is not happy at work, she was sad about a job opportunity that you closed the door on.  She was wanting more of... and of .... and we talked about obedience and being discontent and about serving and about a season of waiting and how YOUR best is on the way, but NOT IN OUR OWN TIMING...she cried and she completely understood.  Oh MY LORD, she thanked me for talking to her and she said that everything I said was true and how she wished she had a tape recorder.  My Lord, those were your words and that conversation would not have occurred had you not SAVE me.  THANK You!

I recently talked with Kim about a man from my past who is trying to come back into my "heart" and we talked about your will and what would be pleasing to you.  We talked about our past and how you delivered us from a life of darkness.  We talked about boundaries and how we need to be led by your spirit and not our "feelings."  I DO NOT want this person in my life and I couldn't find the "right" words to tell him via text.  It was very uncomfortable but I prayed to you for a response and you were there to guide me...LORD, had you not saved me...that would not have happened.  THANK YOU!

And, while I was in the kitchen cooking, Marty texted me to tell me that she'd found a church.  She seemed so excited!  We texted back and forth for quite sometime and she shared some of the things that were on her heart.  She wants to draw nearer to you and she said that my prayers were working.  Lord, YOU are doing awesome things in the lives of those who love you.  Gideon has helped me a great deal in seeing my life a lot clearer...when that happens, I can pray deeper for those that I love.  I am going to church with my sister on December 8th and I am super excited.  Father, if you had not saved me, this would not be so.  THANK YOU!

As I was leaving out for work yesterday, I saw a package in the foyer for me.  I immediately recognized the had writing.  It was Summer.  My dear sweet BFF.  She is 8 and she is awesome.  I couldn't wait to open it and begin reading our journal.  I gave her a journal earlier in the year and she wrote in it and sent it back to me.  She wanted me to write in it and send it back.  Now, it's an awesome exchange of our day to day lives.  But what caught me completely off guard was that her mom, Ellen, had slipped in a note.  She thanked me for being apart of her daughter's life and told me how Summer would write in it faithfully every night and fall asleep with the pen in her hand...I burst into tears at my desk.  LORD, had you not save me, I would not have attended Cross County Baptist Church.  I would not have met Ms. Pat and I would not have volunteered at Mount Hope Nanjemoy and I would not have met Summer Dobry and her awesome God fearing family.  THANK YOU!

Also on yesterday's date, I was coming from the ladies room and I heard a familiar voice.  It was a dear sweet friend here and she and I hugged really tight.  We always praise you Father, but this time...we really praised you.  She said that you'd recently given her a breakthrough and that she was back in church and back in your word!  GLORY to YOU for your deliverance!!!!!!  I wouldn't be the least bit interested or excited had you not saved me!  THANK YOU JESUS!

Lord, I think the best of all was a text that I received from Barbara.  Her mom died this year and with Thanksgiving approaching, I knew that her heart would be sad.  I sent her some flowers yesterday at her place of business and she was so HAPPY!  She called me an Angel...FATHER, that was YOUR Spirit that placed her mom on my heart.  YOU GET That Praise, not me.  I'm just so grateful that you've given me a spirit of compassion, obedience and discernment.  I never want to be so caught up in "this world" or in "self" that I failed to see the needs of others.  LORD, please, please keep your presence with me.  YOUR word promised that you would and I for one am SO counting on it!
Eternally yours