Sunday, November 3, 2013

Psalm 1 coming to a close...

My Lord,

Father, I must first thank you for allowing me to live here:

Psalm 1 - Nov 3 at 1509 hrs...

How well God must like you: Lord, why you've found favor in me, I still don't know. But I do know that King David was a sinner and you completely exalted him. Moses was fearful and reluctant and you used his life to lead your people in unimaginable numbers toward freedom. Joseph boasted and gloated over his dreams and favor from his dad and you humbled and magnified his life to great heights. The Apostle Paul hated Christians and wanted them dead...stood by as Steven was stoned. You, My Lord, gave him a new life, a new name and a new purpose. His passion spilled over into most of the New Testament as well as into the depths of my heart! And Peter...he forsook you in the presence of your enemies. Disowned all that you meant to him to save himself. Yet, you not only forgave that, you used it to show the world that you are indeed a merciful and sovereign God. So, with all that, although I don't know your purpose in me, I still and forever will remain hopeful that this ordinary life of mine...the uneducated daughter of a Gerald and Angela..this still wanting to control things, critical thinking, most days I don't feel like it, subtle but still a sin, Jesus loving with all her heart woman will do what you created her to do. Even in my disobedience, I long to return to you and I long to serve you. My wholehearted prayer is still Isaiah 6:8 "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

Eternally yours