Monday, November 4, 2013

Change in tour...

My Lord,

You know that this 49 year old body of mine is completely exhausted.  I am currently working the midnight shift and I am a zombie.  I have just enough energy (by your grace) to drive home in the morning.  I get so excited that I get to see the sunrise just before I go to bed.

I have been so tired this week that I've lost track of the days concerning my Psalm 1 study.  I'm sure I've exceeded the 21 days, but I am going to continue my journey because I'm thoroughly enjoying it.  Not only that, I didn't get to do it twice a day like before. 

Today I wrote from verse two about meditating on your word, day and night.

Yes, I've been drained physically, but I never tire from reading your word.  I get my deepest DELIGHT in hearing a sermon that speaks to my spirit, reading a verse or scripture again and getting it in a completely different way than before, filling up my journals about my love for you, reading a devotion that was tailored made for the current season in my life, being so open and vulnerable to you and knowing that it doesn't change your love for me, knowing that as long as I live, your word will never change and that I can go to it day after day...night after night and have it comfort, sustain and encourage me in whatever circumstance. 

That is what I get from Psalm 1 verse 2: "...but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night."

That My Lord, is me!

Eternally yours