Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Last night...and then....YAY!

My Lord,

Thank YOU!  Thank YOU! Thank YOU!

I've been in a daze for the past week or so.  But, no matter how unaware I am of my surroundings, my ability to move, think or see...(because of my exhaustion) I still feel your presence and protection.

Psalm 1 verse 3 "...that person is like a tree planted by the streams of water, and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers."

My Lord, you have lifted me up on high.  You have caused my plans to succeed.  You have fulfilled dreams that I never knew were inside of me.  I remember writing a haiku once that read "as a child, i never dreamt, i only wrote."

I did not begin to dream until about 8 or 9 years ago... to sell greeting cards, to write a book, to travel here and there...and the list goes on.  And, because you are God, those dreams and many more have come to pass.

The biggest one being to live here:

However, the GINORMOUS serve you with my whole heart.  You are my heart's desire and I will never surrender my dream to be wherever you are.  Where can I go and be with GOD? 

I thank you and praise your holy name and "eagerly await" your return for me!

(a special thank you in advance for our upcoming women's retreat this weekend.  so excited to see what your'e going to reveal to me in this season of my life...i'm ready and so willing. and thanks again for making the cabin available for myself, julya, melanie, kara, jackie 1 and jackie 2!)

Eternally yours