Thursday, October 10, 2013

Your will be done...sooner rather than later

My Lord,

Good morning.  Father it is another gift of life and a rainy and glorious morning to behold...

It is to me...

There are a lot of people fearful because of the Government's lack of leadership and the recent shutdown. 

Although it seems that I have job security...anything is possible in this world that I live in.  Nothing is certain with Man.

Father, I'm so grateful that ALL things are possible to those who believe and ALL things are Possible for YOU, the Creator!

I pray that the ones affected are trusting in you...learning to live on less, praying, believing, sharing, encouraging one another and meditating on your word and your promises.

Father, you do meet the needs of your children.  However, if we are selfish, prideful, hateful and downright mean...we are not meeting the needs of our neighbors and those in our surrounding community.

YOU have blessed us so that we may bless others...not so that we can hoard and hide and store away our possessions and earnings.

I pray that each person (if able) can search his/her heart and share what you've given them to someone in need.

We never know when our need may arise and when we may need the grace extended.

My Lord, YOU are all consuming, all knowing and ALL capable for bringing this mess to an end, but YOU Father, you are patiently waiting on the lost and the unbelievers to come to you.  If only they would repent, call and receive your gift of Salvation...if only...

Soon Jesus will be here and then...then it will be too late.

Come quickly My Lord...come quickly

Eternally yours