Wednesday, October 9, 2013


My Lord,

I was watching a movie last night about Revelation.  It just overwhelms me that I submitted to your calling.  When I think about my life and the years that I spent in darkness, I still cry.  I am forever grateful that my heart was not harden to your calling.  Yes, I was broken and bruised, but I had been longing for you for such a long time that when you called out to me, I was in a place to receive.

Although the movie was fiction...FATHER, YOU are the Creator of the Universe and you are Non-Fiction!
The movie reminds me of the millions of people who still do not believe.  Those who don't know you, who want proof, who are mad at you and who fear you for all the wrong reasons.

We are such a selfish, prideful and ignorant society.  And the sad part is that on the day of judgement...many will wish that they would have answered your call.  Father, you and I know that on that day...IT WILL BE TOO LATE!

Thank you My Lord for saving me and my children.  I will spend eternity with you and until such time, I get to tell everyone about all the AMAZING things you've done with my ordinary life. 

YES, you've redeemed me.  Yes, you've forgiven me.  Yes, you sought me and bought me with your blood.

I'm am yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eternally your Princess Bride!