Tuesday, October 1, 2013


My Lord,

Thank you for using me.  Thank you for getting me outside my comfort zone and for keeping me faithful to you.  It's only because of you, my deep affection for you and my longing to serve you that I keep pressing forward.

Yesterday I sent out my Barnabas text and I remember specifically asking for your guidance before I chose the encouragement for the day.  There were some that I thought it would be to generic for and others I thought that it may offend...I reworded it and hit send.

Stacye and Gloria Praised YOU!

Lauren and Joan needed to hear it and rejoiced and thanked me.

Those are flowers for you My Lord.  You did that and not me.

Not only that...Tanya sent me this text last Friday....
"Good morning, I just wanted to thank you for always taking time out of your busy schedule everyday to share the word of the Lord and I appreciate that so much.  You are always right on time with the messages.  I pray that God continues to use you and that you will be blessed.  Love you and have a nice and blessed weekend!!"

Father, this text was so special to me because her mom went to be with you a few years ago and the doctors told her that she could never have children.  You Lord, YOU blessed her with a baby boy named Nathaniel!  ALL PRAISE TO YOU, THE CREATOR of LIFE!!!!!

And on another note:

Last night while enjoying my bible study homework, something so profound was revealed and it was something that T and I had just spoke about earlier in the day.  I called her and shared what you'd shared with me and she said, "You're right mother."  She is struggling with something and the homework was something that she needed to hear.  It confirmed what I had said, but this time, they were your words and not mine.

Father I so want to THANK YOU for the work you're doing in me and through me.  There are many many days when I don't want to do anything.  It's so easy to be content, lazy, introverted and retreat into by shell, but YOU have a plan and purpose for MY life and it has nothing to do with ME!  I welcome your presence, your instructions and your wisdom.

ALL MY LOVE, all the time!

Eternally yours