Sunday, September 29, 2013

Big and Small

My Lord,

I love you and I thank you for all things, big and small.

Friday Jackie came over at 0630 to watch the sunrise with me.  I've invited many over to see your Glory for themselves and finally, someone took me up on it.  She was in AWE as I knew she would be.  Now, I'm afraid if the word really gets home will turn into a tourist attraction. Lol

Later I had small group and again, I just love it.  Leslie and Jerry hosted and after getting the WORD planted in our hearts and in our heads about the Devil and his schemes to deceive us, we finished with your promises and YOUR TRUTH.  You are a GOD who keeps his promises and a GOD who cannot lie.

Before we wrapped things up, she celebrated her VICTORY over Cancer with some ice cream cake!  Yummy and Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YOUR grace and your love covered her healing and her journey so that she can help someone in the future walk the same road to recovery.

Saturday I spent the day at Six Flags with Jackie and Jackie.  Awesome day.  And no, My Lord, I'm not jealous because Jackie #1 has the coolest job ever.  I'm not jealous because she can do all that "cool stuff" and I'm not jealous because she has an awesome husband and marriage.  I have learned that whatever you have for me it's tailored specifically for me and I am rejoicing in the fact that my dream job and my awesome husband is on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CHURCH was awesome this morning.  The word and the worship was and is always soothing to my spirit.  I love our church and our Pastor and our members.  I love hearing and seeing you in the PLACE that I long to spend my nights.  I would be perfectly content having a sleeping bag on the sanctuary floor and being still and being quiet with you and YOU Alone! 

My Lord, thank you again...for all things, big and small. (From the fried oreos and funnel cake to the AWESOME SUNrise this morning!

Eternally yours