Wednesday, October 2, 2013


My Lord,

Good morning and thank you.  There are many many days where I'd rather stay home and be with you.  I love to sit with you, talk with you, read with you, cry with you, laugh with you and pray with you.  But, by your grace, I have a job...and for that I thank you.

The Government has shut down and I know many are upset, concerned and even in a state of panic...having no idea whatsoever what's going to occur next.

Lord, we have been in a state of greed, rebellion, confusion and uncertainty for quite sometime....and when we DISOBEY you, we can rest assure that there's more to come.

We are not ONE FAMILY UNDER GOD so how on earth can we possibly expect to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD?

If one person prayed every night for one person...if one person fed one hungry person every day...if one person gave one person a piece of clothing, a pair of shoes, a hug, a smile, a blanket, some spare change...IF...IF...IF...if only.

I admit that I was one of those individuals who did not know that my blessings....ALL of them, big and small came from you.  I did not know that whatever you provided for me, I was to in turn share it with others.

Father, I did not know until you brought me out of darkness and transformed my heart into a Spirit of giving.  I  pray that as I continue to share my blessings, as I share your word and spread your love, that it will be generously paid forward.  That our selfish society will be transformed into a more selfless community that seeks out the needs of their neighbor.  And that the kindness and grace will continue to spread like wildfire and that together, we can shed more light on those hearts of hopelessness, darkness and despair.

Until we as a family put our hope (collectively) in Christ Jesus...only then, as a Nation and as a Country, can we make a WORLD of difference.

Father, I'm praying to you with my whole heart.  Please begin changing hearts and turning them toward you.  (PLEASE) You did it for King Saul.  You did it in the book of Ezekiel and you did it for the Apostle Paul, formerly Saul. 

My Lord, you did it for me.

Eternally yours