Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Not So Clear...

My Lord,

Thank You for being there for me in so many ways.  As I sit here thinking about Your love and grace, I cannot remember why I burst into tears yesterday.  I'm certain it was something You've done for me or recently did and caused me to reverence YOUR amazing unconditional love for me.

When Pastor Jay talked about "Being In The Fog" on Sunday, it so penetrated my heart.  I've been there and I love what You've done with my life as things were not so clear.  I love that I cannot see the future and the blessings that You have stored up for me.  I love that I cannot know the profound lessons that You want to teach me until I first stumble and realize that it's because I'm trying to operate on my own and outside of Your will.

I love that when I come out of the "fog" there is always a testimony to share with my kids and my friendships.  I love You so much that I am continually telling anyone who will listen how You saved and blessed me in ways I never knew possible.  I love sharing how I used to be a complete MESS and how you Cleansed and Delivered me from myself.

I love blogging about the girl I used to be and how you "transformed" me from a quiet, passive caterpillar into A FULL BLOWN GORGEOUS BUTTERFLY with wings that SOAR as high as the sky!!!!!

All my love, all the time!

Eternally yours