Sunday, August 4, 2013


My Lord,

You know that epiphany is one of my all time favorite words...

This weekend, I could hear you so clearly and I also had some epiphanies along the way.

On Friday night as the waves were collapsing against the shore, I had the realization that my heart was truly at rest with my desires being met.

This is what You said, "My hands created you and know your heart's desire.  You thought it was a husband but it's not, it is the sound of the ocean.  I have gifted you your childhood back.  Make new memories and be HAPPY.  It does my heart good to bring you JOY!"

Father when You said that, my spirit leaped.  It is so true.  All that You've said above is so true.  My desire has been laid to rest knowing that You have placed me near the ocean's floor.  A place that I longed for since I can remember.  The husband, I didn't want in the beginning and since the divorce and coming into a personal relationship with You, I have held a desire to one day be a godly wife.  But as long as YOU are with me, My Lord, I am indeed content.

You also said, "Remember my sweet child, in order to sustain your PEACE, let me lead and continually submit to My will.  You are never alone."

One thing that I have realized and just recently posted on my Facebook page for all the single ladies..."Until a woman discovers who she is in the loving arms of Christ, she will continually giver herself away."

Eternally yours